Hey mom and Dad,
Thanks for all the great letters, all of the elders in my district get mad cause I get so much. And the package was great, I told everyone that we owned stauffers animal crackers it was funny. I now know why all of us elders have such bad grammar, Because there is a little timer in the top right hand corner of the screen that counts down your time from a half hour, so i will do my best to hurry as fast as possible while getting in everything.
Dad wanted to know my schedule from morning to night. K at 6:15 I get up to get a good shower and have some privacy, all the other elders get up around 6:25. Then I go back to my room, put my suit on, wait for elder mccracken. then have to be to class 7. From 7 until 7:45 its personal study, you study in the classroom. Then at 7:45 it is breakfast, and I don't mind the food at all. Then back to class, from 8 until 11 it is companion study. Then at 11:10 it is gym, i play basketball every day and I actually haven't been doing that bad. Then after gym it is prepare, which means go back to residence hall and shower, then put your suit back on. Then class from 12:15 until 5:30. Usually Brother Williams is our teacher during that time, then go to dinner at 5:30. Then back to class after dinner with Sister Mejia from peru. Class is from 6:15 until 9. Then from 9 until 9:30 we plan for the next day. Then back to our rooms and change into gym shorts, and write in journals. All of the elders come into our room at night to visit with elder bittner and elder tanner. They also like us to so they just come chill with us so it is hard to get anything written in our journals but i still do a full page every night.
K i am sending some pictures I developed today. Some with kolby, my district, and Elder cox. Be careful i wrote on the back but i smirred them already, so just remember that I wrote on the back of them. Craig Bills is at the MTC, he was mr. football my year and played last year at BYU, also Xavier suaYilo, he is a tackle at UCLA and he is massive, kinda got star struck, but it was cool to see them. Elder McCracken's brother is the lead singer of the Used, ask devin he will know. But the used is a famous band from utah, and I just happened to get his bro. Elder M. is from highland, we went to Lone peak high school. I like the food actually so i dunno what goodrich was talking about. I have had so many cankers, so good thing I have that kaska. I was eating a pop sicle and my lips got frozen to it, and when i pulled them off it tore my lip skin off, wow it hurt. Then its basketball getting elbowed in the face also causes cankers. Been sleeping so good, always one of the first to wake up, which is surprising. Tammie will appreciate that.
Mom will you send my spanish scripture case, and my Hymns. I don't need my spanish scriptures because they gave me the exact same ones I bought here, so just use those ones for decoration or something. Spanish is so hard, but im doing my best. Hermoso (brother) williams doesn't speak in English to us, so it is so hard to learn what he is trying to teach us. But I love Hermana (sister) mejia, from peru, she is so awesome, and looks like a real peruvian. Mom if you want to write everyday then do it, I lied, letters are the best thing here in the MTC. I dunno if i told you if i Got the bottom bunk or not, but ya i got bottom. I spent a lot of money at the book store getting things I needed so that is what the money is on my card, they only give me 6 dollars a week for everything so i will be using my debit alot. President Estes is our branch president and he is kinda intimidating, But that is ok, our sacarament is in spanish so i didn't get a word out of of the talks. My district is 50-A, our zone is 50, and live in room 105.
I leave here on 7th of April, I should have my travel plans sometime next week, all elders are jealous. We can't chew gum at all, only in our rooms, it hasn't been that hard for me though, i just use mints now, which scares me because they have sugar. And already have been here a week that is crazy, prob the fastest week of my life.
K write me, tell tory that he is a bum for not writing me, well he might of wrote but we haven't gotten the mail yet today so i dunno. I love you, if you have any questions ill answer them, I will be writing letters today, so i will probably write you guys a letter, to respond to all of dads sweet letters. Sorry just so rushed in here.
Love Elder Stauffer