Hey family how are you all doing? It sounds like dad is pretty busy and out of town and I totally understand how you feel pops. haha this next week is going to be crazy for us. We have four trainings to do and we have to do the changes and on top of all that we gotta try and visit our investigators. haha it should be pretty fun. But thanks for all of the great pictures. It seems like Payton and BT are getting so big without me. But thats okay, everytime I see them I just wonder how much they must talk now? haha cant wait to hear them on Christmas. Only 3 months away. But Tell Sandi thanks for me, it was so great to hear from her. I am super happy for her that her business is gong so good. Tell her that I really appreciated her email very much. and that I miss them like crazy and that Tanner is doing just fine, he is training again, and that I always ask the assistents from the South mission how he is doing every time I see them, and they just tell me that he is great and the coolest guy in the mission, all of the Latinos always say that Tanner is awesome. I have seen some of tanners Videos and he is hilarious still, thats why I love him. haha But this week has been pretty calm for me. We have been able to do some work visits. And when I do a work visit. What we do is we think ok who needs some help with their work, who can do better and who is not being obedient and who needs some help with an investigator? and then we call them up and tell them, hey tomorrow we are going to go work with you guys. And this week we went to Rimac, with Elder Ayovi and Elder Martinez, I went with them and elder Pineda went with Elder Perez because his companion was sick. So I took a picture with elder Ayovi´s camera from the top of a hill looking down on this hole of just houses. So hope I can get that to you next week. It was so fun to go up some hills and meet some of their investigators. I like trying to help them. But they always look at me to like start the lesson and I tell them even before,"Elders you guys are in charge of your sector, I am just here to help, that means that I can help in the lessons, but this is still you sector, so lead it." Cause they think they we are there to burn them or to just take over. But thats not what we do at all, we just help and try to help them get better in the lessons. So when they get done with the lessons, and we are walking I always ask them so what did we do good, and what can we do better in this next appointment. It is super fun , I love my assignment. haha That is the best part about being an assistant you get to go to every sector and work with every missionary. It has been great. That was on tuesday and then on wednesday we went to Palao to work with elder Lopez and elder Luker. I went with elder Lopez and we knocked alot of doors and got in one door with this María lady, and gave her a book of mormon, she was pretty funny. But we also went to the Bishops house to see if they had a reference for us, and they didnt so we asked if we could do something for her, and she put us to work man, we swept and mopped and her house is spick and span now. haha but it was a fun day also. So i am liking my mission. This next week we wont be able to do work visits because Pres. Tyler got back and now it is back to trainings. haha O well. Just gotta try and be the best assistant that I can be if that is what the Lord wants me to do.
Mom last week we didnt get alot of sleep , because every sunday night we have to take all the numbers, from all of the Zone Leaders. 12 zones in our mission, and we dont get done until 1 in the morning and then have to get up at 6.30 to be able to make it to a zone study on monday mornings. Every monday morning in the mission, the zone gets together and studies together and we go and make sure that all is well and to see if we can help some zones that are struggling. And then on monday the zone leaders send in a excel form on the internet before they write their families and the templates always get messed up so we have to come in on monday nights and fix the formulas and all that. And last week we had to do alot of changing. So we were up till 1 again. and then you always want to get up to study and so we just force ourselves out of bed. It is crazy but hey just helping me in my life I think. haha
Mom your package got here, not to the office yet but to peru. They always send us this little paper thingy´s that say when they are gonna bring the packages. And it will be here on monday. Cannot wait to open it. It will just make my week a little less stressful. Thanks mom you´re the best and you know it. Just keep going to ward council meetings mom, it is annoying here when no one shows up. Just show your love for the Savior by magnifying your calling. You are doing a great job mom!! I can here it in the letters you send me.
But president tyler got home safe and sound and then he is now back in Perú. They came back last night, and none of the missionaries didnt even know that he was gone, it was super sneeky. haha But hope that all is going good and that you have just the best week ever. Wish me luck this week. The pictures are the view from the office here and then a picture of Larco mar, when we went two weeks ago they were paraglyding. That is were the marriot is at. Love you all elder Jesse kevin Stauffer. Mom you still havent answered me if you changed that scripture on my picture in the hallway or not, haha it is bugging me. And yes I got you letter about the neighborhood. It sounds like you are sharing the gospel, mom that is awesome. Hope that you feel the joy that I do as we do it. Keep up the good work..