Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Two years of Tues. Post office‏

Last Post day:(  I went every Tues. for the last Two years since Jesse has been gone we never missed a Tues. and Thanks to all those who contributed a letter to put in every Tues. His Dad never missed,  
his siblings were so supportive and a special Thanks to the extended Family also for their letters as well,  his Aunt Connie also never missed a letter for two years in his package....

and to Stephanie Hicken who diligently did Jesse's  Blog for us...

Monday, February 27, 2012


Hey fam thanks for all of the bday wishes thanks for remembering but it is just gonna be another week in the mission.  haha but this last week was okay for us, we didnt find a whole lot of new people but we kept going that is the important thing and it seems like there are about 5 people that can get baptized before I get done, so we will see how these next 3 weeks go for us.  This week we have sister Andrea that is going to get baptized, she is about 63 and is super awesome, her husband is a member and she has been super stiff and hasnt wanted to get baptized for 10 years and we found them knocking doors because her husband was less active but they have came to church 4 weeks in a row now.  So I am glad that we have been able to help her.  And then on the 10th we have Dina, Miguels wife, Miguel got baptized last week and his grandson williams, williams came to church this week and hope that they get baptized this 10th.  Then we have 2 more for the next week so we will see how it all turns out for us, hope that all goes well.  

Glad to hear pops that you did an awesome job and hope that you enjoyed it.  Mom told me that Dallen turned his papers in, that is awesome...  Tell him congrats.   Hope that all is well at work.  

Mom before I forget next week we are going to be writing on tuesday not on monday because we are going to the temple on tuesday so I wont be sending the email on monday but on tuesday ok?  Thanks for all the great pictures, i love to see the kids, they are all grown up.  Keep magnifying your calling, you are doing a great job, you are the best.  And o ya I just checked on BYU and I didnt get in so I think I will just be at Weber State for awhile which is okay with me haha I knew that i wouldnt get in there haha And I was going to tell you also that you can just send this weeks package and next week should be the last because I wont get the other one because I will be ending.  Just a reminder.  

Kod the house looks great hope that you get er all fixed up how you want, and steph keep being a good mom thanks for the update.  Thanks for the b day wishes.  

FOR PAYTON:  Pay tú eres lo máximo, Ojalá que estuviera acá conmigo para poder placticar, estoy muy animado para verte y escucharte hablar castellano.  TE QUIERO MUCHO

Thanks bt, did I ever tell you that you are the man, hope that you keep getting big so you can play football, I miss football so much...  I cant wait to see you buddy, keep learning more about the Gospel, read the Book of Mormon stories ok buddy?

Thanks tor for the advice, i will keep working as hard as I can so we can have some more baptisms.  Keep up the good work.  

Arin I am stoked to see ya it will be awesome to see you as a mom, you are going to do great.  I think that it is gonna be a little girl, I just have that feelin that you are gonna get your first experience with a girl.  Love ya sister. 

Well just know everyone that i am doing just fine, cant wait to see you all and I will just keep working away and take advantage of this time to get even closer to the Savior.  Love you all talk to you next tuesday.  Elder stauffer.  



Monday, February 20, 2012


Hey family how are you all doing today? I am doing super good we had a good week and we had our two baptisms and they were awesome, Hermano Miguel got baptized and he was so excited.  He sells snacks for a living, he has a tricycle with all his treats in it and drives it around selling all that everyone.  It was a super cool experience, we found that family by talking to everyone in the street, we found his grandson williams remember?  but right now williams doesnt really want to listen.  But we will keep working with his wife dina so she can get baptized also.  Then the other baptism was Janeth, she is 19 and she just wanted to get baptized and hope she can stay strong she was super excited too.  We also had 9 investigators in the chapel this week and they all got there on their own this week so that was awesome, the Lord blessed us.  In our ward we have 6 missionaries and we are working super hard and we have baptized 22 people so far in 6 weeks in the ward so that is pretty cool huh, 22 people in 6 weeks.  It takes like 20 min every sacrament meeting to do the confirmations.  The chapel is getting super full with the activation that we are doing and then all our converts it is sweet, because more and more people after they attend church want to get baptized because there are so many members, it is awesome.
And then the other picture I sent to you is my thumb that I cut this week making a fence.  I was cutting the point on the board and with the brand new saw that we bought earlier that morning I cut right through my nail, man it hurt so bad and I was pretty nervous that it was worse because I didnt wanna go to the doctor here to get stitches but it stopped bleeding and all is well, a sweet story for my kids later in life haha but man it hurt so bad wow, I cut right through the nail to the skin beneath, it would have been alot worse if it werent for the nail.  Dont worry mom, I am good.  :) 
That looks awesome that you guys went to the jazz game, she looks so cute, and thanks for all of the great pictures.  This week we will be working hard, no baptisms but we will keep working hard and finding more people to baptize.  There is one part of my sector that I have knocked almost every door, everyone knows us now, how sweet huh?  They really are super nice to us in our sector I really havent had to much of persecution here in La Chalaca 3.  A good sector.  Well love you all hope that you have an awesome week, keep working hard and hope that your talk goes well this week dad.  Elder stauffer

Monday, February 13, 2012


Hey family it is so great to see all of you and that everyone is alive and kicking, it is great to get all of your picutres and the first thing I noticed was all the I phones and I pads haha how sweet.  But you all look great and sister congrats on the healthy baby and hope that all continues to go well, and kod that is awesome that Payton knows how to speak in spanish, I will teach her more when I get home.   I was thinking about that this week and how much spanish I have learned on my mission, it is crazy but still alot to learn. haha  Mom and Dad hope that you guys have a wonderful aniversary.  And I have forgotten to tell you about Sister Hernandez, just tell her to get off when she can and we will go see her that day.  haha but about the cloths, you can bring a variety of all because here in lima it is humid and hot and in cusco it gets cold at night.  So just bring a variety of everything you have just to be sure.  Dont worry to much, if you have to buy a jacket or pants or anything we can buy it here because in lima it has some nice malls, you wont be out in the middle of no where here.  And for me I am going to need some jeans for the trip because I only have that one pair that you sent me and they are super tight on me haha so if you want I can just go to the mall and buy me some jeans one p day if you want you can just put some money on my card and I can go buy all that I need for the trip.  Is that okay with you* sorry the question mark doesnt work. haha  and I dont need anything I am actually getting rid of stuff right now because I have so much stuff.  So just save the money and we will use it when you get here to Perú, you surprised me today when you told me that I only have 36 days left, that just blows my mind.  I have so much left to do in my sector these 36 days, this week we have 2 baptisms, Miguel and Janeth and I am so excited because we found Miguel knocking doors and I love finding people that way becasue I feel so good that my efforts really pay off.  So the new change started on tuesday and the zone leaders gave me two elders that need a lot of help and we have made goals so they work hard and they really did a good job this week so we will see if I can keep helping them, ending my mission with a challenge as a leader and I learn something new everyday in the mission on how to work with people, and how to be a better leader, just with a lot of patience because if you just focus and everything that they do bad and never tell them what they do good, they will not be excited to keep doing a good job for me.  so I have learned a lot on the mission.  And there are a lot more people here to baptize so we are working hard, talking to everyone in the street in the blistering heat.  It has been super hot this week.  That is awesome that Dad gets to talk in church with Cheryl and Frank, he is going to do a great job.  Tell them that the mission is the hardest thing that I have ever done in my life but I have grown my testimony everyday.  Because there are a lot of other churches and everyone down here in Perú just tell us that God loves all of us and that all of the churches are from God and so that is how Satan has confused the people down here so they don´t listen to us, they think that any church will take them back to His presence, which is super sad...  But you will do a great job Dad.  If you want to know how the mission is read Alma 26:27 to 31.  I feel super happy with my work that I have done here in Perú I feel like I have given a diligent effort and I have been super blessed, and have had an amazing mission.  I will never forget my mission.  Well miss all of you, cant wait to see you all and I will be working hard this week to have these two baptisms.  love elder jesse stauffer. 

Monday, February 6, 2012


Hey family.  It sounds like you are all doing great!!  that is what matters the most, and can you believe it, I only have one change left, a change is six weeks...  Wow that is crazy haha but we will give it all I got and keep working, as you can see Andy got baptized this week!! She is so awesome, she was so happy.  It was a baptism of a person with a strong testimony, she will be a  great member of the Church.  She is 25 and she is Cleofé´s daughter and Landers sister.  So it was a super good baptism.  And I sent you a picture that I took last monday in the street as we were walking back to the chapel and I stopped and took pictures of this tow truck, I thought that it was pretty cool.  I stopped to talk to the guy to ask what year it was and he said it was a 62 and then I showed him a picture of the kearns truck that you guys sent to me when dad bought the business and he was so excited that my dad had some sweet trucks like that, he said that it would be imposible to have a truck like that in Perú, he was super excited..  And this week we worked super hard and found some good people to teach, and two of our investigators that have a date came to church yesterday
so it wasnt super great but it was a success because they had to come to church or they would have lost there dates. But we are progressing little by little.  Last P day we went to Chilis, I took my district there with the zone leaders.  Haha it was awesome.  It is funny because the zone leaders always ask me, ´Elder stauffer what should we do´ haha but I like to help.  On saturday they called us to tell us the Elder Sagastume and I are going to be together again, so I will end my mission with him, which I am super happy about because we are working good together.  He is awesome and is a lot like me.. haha a little bit more of a goof ball.  but a super good elder.  And so I will end my mission with 11 companions, not counting the mtc or ccm.  I loved seeing all of my friends in that picture, they are all a little bit fatter so that doesnt make me feel as bad haha I am going to send more pictures.  And o ya thanks for all of your help with my applications, that is good to know that I got into weber state, so now I have a back up plan, haha but I cant remember my Login to byu so I will look in my old agenda and check next week.


I just remembered my password and everything got sent in and they rejected me to BYU HAWAII haha so we will just have to wait and see for BYU, I really think that weber state is for me ahah but it says that everything is in.  but I thought these pictures were cool because Cleofé and Andy are sitting there reading their books of Mormon before her baptism so I took the picture because that is why we are here to find people and bring them the Gospel.  And then another one of the tow trucks.  Well fam love you all a ton hope that you all have a super good week.  Dont think too much about me, because when I get home you will all just be sick of me again haha  love you elder stauffer