Hey fam thanks for all of the bday wishes thanks for remembering but it is just gonna be another week in the mission. haha but this last week was okay for us, we didnt find a whole lot of new people but we kept going that is the important thing and it seems like there are about 5 people that can get baptized before I get done, so we will see how these next 3 weeks go for us. This week we have sister Andrea that is going to get baptized, she is about 63 and is super awesome, her husband is a member and she has been super stiff and hasnt wanted to get baptized for 10 years and we found them knocking doors because her husband was less active but they have came to church 4 weeks in a row now. So I am glad that we have been able to help her. And then on the 10th we have Dina, Miguels wife, Miguel got baptized last week and his grandson williams, williams came to church this week and hope that they get baptized this 10th. Then we have 2 more for the next week so we will see how it all turns out for us, hope that all goes well.
Glad to hear pops that you did an awesome job and hope that you enjoyed it. Mom told me that Dallen turned his papers in, that is awesome... Tell him congrats. Hope that all is well at work.
Mom before I forget next week we are going to be writing on tuesday not on monday because we are going to the temple on tuesday so I wont be sending the email on monday but on tuesday ok? Thanks for all the great pictures, i love to see the kids, they are all grown up. Keep magnifying your calling, you are doing a great job, you are the best. And o ya I just checked on BYU and I didnt get in so I think I will just be at Weber State for awhile which is okay with me haha I knew that i wouldnt get in there haha And I was going to tell you also that you can just send this weeks package and next week should be the last because I wont get the other one because I will be ending. Just a reminder.
Kod the house looks great hope that you get er all fixed up how you want, and steph keep being a good mom thanks for the update. Thanks for the b day wishes.
FOR PAYTON: Pay tú eres lo máximo, Ojalá que estuviera acá conmigo para poder placticar, estoy muy animado para verte y escucharte hablar castellano. TE QUIERO MUCHO
Thanks bt, did I ever tell you that you are the man, hope that you keep getting big so you can play football, I miss football so much... I cant wait to see you buddy, keep learning more about the Gospel, read the Book of Mormon stories ok buddy?
Thanks tor for the advice, i will keep working as hard as I can so we can have some more baptisms. Keep up the good work.
Arin I am stoked to see ya it will be awesome to see you as a mom, you are going to do great. I think that it is gonna be a little girl, I just have that feelin that you are gonna get your first experience with a girl. Love ya sister.
Well just know everyone that i am doing just fine, cant wait to see you all and I will just keep working away and take advantage of this time to get even closer to the Savior. Love you all talk to you next tuesday. Elder stauffer.