Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Welcome to Peru Mom and Dad!

At the airport in Peru...he was waiting for Mom and Dad to get there!!

The elders who gave him a ride there took the picture for us :)

View from the Marriot hotel room we stayed in, morning and night.

First day in Lima seeing the city down by the ocean...

First family we visited. :) Lander in front and his sister Andy, Jesse baptized them

Jesse left his name in the cement at the front door that he fixed for them, this is Lander
Lander's mom came home before we left, Jesse baptized her also!
This is in his last area, La Chalaca...awesome people!!

Second family we visited, they haven't been able to be baptized yet. They really want to but they are having trouble getting back to their birth place to get their birth certificate. So sweet :)

Third family in La Chalaca, Jesse baptized the sister and reactivated the husband.  They cried when Jesse told them goodbye :( Wonderful people!

Off to see the Hernandez's so excited to finally meet them! They took such good care of Elder Stauffer when he served in their sector.  We ate with them, we had Papa John's Pizza!

Next day, off to see the Lima, Peru Temple! We ran into one of the wonderful sisters that Jesse had for a teacher in the CCM.  We are facebook friends and it was a pleasure to get to meet her.  She teaches the missionaries Spanish.

This is Jesse's Pension, she fed us!  It was sooo good! French fries and chicken and she even had fry sauce that she put on them :) Thank you Anna and family!

Another two baptisms for Jesse and we went to meet them...this is Camilla and her mom :)

We went on a tour to this place, it was telling us about the Inca's that lived in Lima, they loved gold!

President Tyler and his wife came to the Marriott and visited us in the lobby for about an hour :) What wonderful people! It was great to meet them.

Then it was off to visit Sandra, another wonderful facebook friend!  Jesse baptized her as well. Hi Sandra :)

Visit to city center, we bought a lot of souvenirs here :)

Nice shopping, walking day, seeing the sites :)
Presidents house, they have the changing of the guards.

Little Peruvian girl sleeping while her mother ran a shop at the city center.

 Dinner with the Orbregon's, A family sealed in the Temple for time and all eternity. Jesse attended the sealing. Jesse baptized Vanessa and activated her mom and dad back into the church!

Look at the cake they had for us! We feel so special :)

Off to church in Barranco where Jesse went to church as Assistant to the President.  This is a baptism he had while he was there, Mirian and her children. They loved my phone and looking at all the pictures on it!  Great day hearing all the wonderful members share their testimonies, even if it was in Spanish :)

After church we went and toured some of Tanners area :)

Elder Hendry's area...so we went to see it.

This is Miguel, he was our taxi driver and friend. He was in one of Jesse's areas, a member, and he drives a taxi for the airport. He took the time off and was our taxi driver for the time we were there. He is awesome :)

We took a city tour, in a few things, we saw a Catholic Cathedral.

Sacsayhuaman Ruins

At the ruins we found one that looked like UTAH! (Home)

Off to Cusco, just got at the hotel and these ladies were right there for a picture :)

How cute are these people???

Kurtis did one as well :)

A City tour of Cusco, this was the tour guide...

The city of Cusco!

Off on an adventure ending at Machu Picchu :)

And Pops on the other side :)

First stop to see the llamas and alpacas!


Monday, March 19, 2012

Hey fam!!!

Well the last time that I will have to write all of you!!!  AND YES DAD AND MOM I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU!!!  And yes I will be there in the airport waiting for you!! how wierd is that that i am saying that I am going to the airport tomorrow.  And man it is going to be so wierd.  But I am super excited.  We had a good week, yesterday I went to San Luis to say bye to mary and camila and Kathy and that made me sad to say bye to them but we will be going back with you mom and dad.  Right now I am in the office waiting to have my last interview with President tyler where he tells me that I gotta get married.  But Mom will you bring me a zebra pen because my one I have right now is running out, and I need it to right in my journal.  I cant wait to see you, hope all is well and I will tell you everything tomorrow when you get here I will be waiting for you tomorrow in the Airport Jorge Chávez.  LOVE YOU VERY MUCH ELDER STAUFFER.  SEE YOU TOMORROW!!! :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hey Family!!!

Hey fam thanks for all of your emails, you guys are the best and super happy that you all had a wonderful week and that Payton had a wonderful b day.  And that you got to go to the ice capades.  How awesome, I still remember when I went and got my geeny for Aladdin.  And hope that Branik and Payton will remember those memories like I still do.  HAPPY B DAY TAMMIE THIS 17, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT IT HAS BEEN TWO YEARS SINCE WE ALL SLEPT AT THE HOUSE TOGETHER AND GOT UP AND I WAS SO NERVOUS AND COULDNT EVEN EAT BREAKFAST JUST SAT ON THE COUCH AND THOUGHT MAN WHAT AM I EVEN GONNA BE DOING TOMORROW.  I cant even lie now I was so nervous that morning, wow.  But hope tamm that all goes well for you this week.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.  This is my last week as a missionary because the next week I will be visiting all my converts and people that I got to know and then my interview with pres tyler, and so until this saturday I will be knocking doors and stuff like that.  But hope to be able to work hard this week, but this last week was super super super dissappointing for us.  Williams mom didnt give us permission for his baptism, but I feel good about it because we testified to her and everything but she just wouldnt listen and so it is now between her and the Lord.  And then the laws down here are super wierd.... and so Abraham and Victoria couldnt get married this week and man that all happened in one day and so we just kept going and we are knocking alot of doors in a new part of the sector where all the cows are and stuff like that and we are having alot of success. and so we will try and put more people with date this week so Elder Sagastume can baptize next change.  He has been an awesome companion , truely a good friend and a good guy.  We are alot alike.  And I have made some awesome friends in the mission.  I remember that Tory told me that that would happen and have had some awesome companions and an awesome mission.  Elder Noriega will be a super good friend for life and I have to mention Elder Wright from Pheonix, he is the man.  I will miss the mission and this work, but hey it continues on, just because I dont have a badge doesnt mean I cant preach the Gospel.  And I have alot to learn still in life.  One thing that I have learned on my mission is to love the scriptures, I love reading the scriptures now, I am so excited to get my english scriptures all marked up .  And I have tried to follow my Savior every step of the way, even though I havent been perfect, I have tried to make Him proud and work hard for Him.  There is no other church like His church on the face of this earth.  A lot of false doctrine is taught in the world and man satan has a good grasp down here, it is sad.  do you guys realize how blessed we are that we can worship how we want without anyone bothering us.  I can not wait to feel the peaceful feeling of Utah and just read my scriptures and go to church on sundays and not have to have people yelling at us in the street, calling us names, and telling us that we are just drug trafficers and thinking that we are the worst people on earth.  It is just like with Joseph Smith, when he said that the persecution was rough, well it is bad down here too.  But I am so grateful for the challenge and here I am with a even stronger testimony than ever.  Just never forget how blessed we are to live where we do and to have been born into this Gospel.  Well I love you all so much, pray for us this week that all will go well and that we will have success.  And next week at this time mom and dad will be all packing up and I will be excited to see ya mom.  Dad have a good week of work, because you will get your vacation soon.  love you all, hope you have a good b day tammie.  HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY.  


Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Hey mom I am doing awesome, I am working on the family email and just wanted to tell you that I cannot wait to see you, I have the countdown now too.  Cant wait to go pick you up, and I will be going with all the other north american elders to go pick up their parents too, because they come in on the 20th also, what time is your flight coming in so I can ask for permission?  and no we wont be able to go see tanner now, it is too far away.  Is he zone leader now?  love you mom, man you look so thin mom, you have been working out, this week has messed me up because everyone stuffed me so full for my b day, I have been treated super well.  


WHOO HOO FAMILY! thanks so much for thinking about me for my bday and going to costa vida, and yes pops that sounds great that you will take me to praie scooner for dinner.  HOW CRAZY THAT I CAN ACTUALLY THINK ABOUT THIS NOW!!!.   Not gonna lie, I am SO NERVOUS...........  I feel more nervous than I did when I was leaving on my mission, I am a missionary and now I am gonna go back to real life, how crazy????  But I can do it, I am stoked that I am going to Weber just to chill at home for a bit and study and work,  What am I gonna be doing dad? Running documents from ogden to salt lake, just put me to work...  whatever I am ready to work.  

But this week was awesome, Andrea got baptized on the 3rd so that was awesome, and I got to baptized her so that was awesome, I went to my pension in the morning and they sang to me and then they gave me a cake.  THen to lunch with Cleofé lander and alexis and they smashed eggs on my head.  THen that night we went to Miguels and dina his wife made me pachamanca a la olla, man it was so good.  I havent been starving this week, but I am going to send this email.  


Eggs on my head, and lunch with cleofé and lander and then Andy took us to Pardos Chicken 



Abraham and his wife victoria with their two daughters and with his tricylce, and they actually are getting ready to get married to be able to get baptized but we are having troubles because there arent any massive weddings this month so we are thinking that we are going to have to pay a little bit more to get them married.  We will see what happens.  but this week was super good.   :)