At the airport in Peru...he was waiting for Mom and Dad to get there!!
The elders who gave him a ride there took the picture for us :)
View from the Marriot hotel room we stayed in, morning and night.
First day in Lima seeing the city down by the ocean...
First family we visited. :) Lander in front and his sister Andy, Jesse baptized them
Jesse left his name in the cement at the front door that he fixed for them, this is Lander
Lander's mom came home before we left, Jesse baptized her also!
This is in his last area, La Chalaca...awesome people!!
Second family we visited, they haven't been able to be baptized yet. They really want to but they are having trouble getting back to their birth place to get their birth certificate. So sweet :)
Third family in La Chalaca, Jesse baptized the sister and reactivated the husband. They cried when Jesse told them goodbye :( Wonderful people!
Off to see the Hernandez's so excited to finally meet them! They took such good care of Elder Stauffer when he served in their sector. We ate with them, we had Papa John's Pizza!
Next day, off to see the Lima, Peru Temple! We ran into one of the wonderful sisters that Jesse had for a teacher in the CCM. We are facebook friends and it was a pleasure to get to meet her. She teaches the missionaries Spanish.
This is Jesse's Pension, she fed us! It was sooo good! French fries and chicken and she even had fry sauce that she put on them :) Thank you Anna and family!
Another two baptisms for Jesse and we went to meet them...this is Camilla and her mom :)
We went on a tour to this place, it was telling us about the Inca's that lived in Lima, they loved gold!
President Tyler and his wife came to the Marriott and visited us in the lobby for about an hour :) What wonderful people! It was great to meet them.
Then it was off to visit Sandra, another wonderful facebook friend! Jesse baptized her as well. Hi Sandra :)
Visit to city center, we bought a lot of souvenirs here :)
Nice shopping, walking day, seeing the sites :)
Presidents house, they have the changing of the guards.
Little Peruvian girl sleeping while her mother ran a shop at the city center.
Dinner with the Orbregon's, A family sealed in the Temple for time and all eternity. Jesse attended the sealing. Jesse baptized Vanessa and activated her mom and dad back into the church!
Look at the cake they had for us! We feel so special :)
Off to church in Barranco where Jesse went to church as Assistant to the President. This is a baptism he had while he was there, Mirian and her children. They loved my phone and looking at all the pictures on it! Great day hearing all the wonderful members share their testimonies, even if it was in Spanish :)
After church we went and toured some of Tanners area :)
Elder Hendry's we went to see it.
This is Miguel, he was our taxi driver and friend. He was in one of Jesse's areas, a member, and he drives a taxi for the airport. He took the time off and was our taxi driver for the time we were there. He is awesome :)
We took a city tour, in a few things, we saw a Catholic Cathedral.
At the ruins we found one that looked like UTAH! (Home)
Off to Cusco, just got at the hotel and these ladies were right there for a picture :)
How cute are these people???
Kurtis did one as well :)
A City tour of Cusco, this was the tour guide...
The city of Cusco!
Off on an adventure ending at Machu Picchu :)
And Pops on the other side :)
First stop to see the llamas and alpacas!