Monday, October 11, 2010

Ok fam how is it going there for everyone, sorry this computer wont do a question mark, haha but man another fast week for me, and everything is going good.  We are just grinding to get some people progressing.  But I have good news, haha this saturday Guillerma and Alfonso are going to get married.  Vanessas mom, ahaha and so I am happy, so I will be planning a wedding with the ward for the first time this week.  Man i am so happy for them, one day i sure hope I can see them getted sealed in the temple.  So we got to watch conferences this week, and man they sure talked about the missionaries a lot, I felt proud that President Monson did a little tribute to us.  I was happy that I got to here that and more than anything feel the spirit of The Lord.  Because I am basically in Satans Kingdom down here in Peru, he has a firm grip down here down south.  But That was cool, Tann just emailed me, man I was tempted to write back but no cant do it.  haha And someone else wrote me too to ask if I was on, but Im not gonna do it, last week I broke the rules on the Internet and man I felt guilty all week so I promised myself that I would do better this week.   But this week we have been praying so hard to get new investigatores, and man we got a sweet answer to our prayers.  At the conferences this guy Gonzalo came to them on his own so all of the missionaries were talking to him, but I didnt wanna overwhelm him so I just kinda hid back a little bit and just listened to what they were saying to him, and then there were like brother were do you live, and he was describing my area, man was I happy because he is ready to hear the message.  So then I stepped in and said ya let me take down your address and everything was good.  So this wednsday night we are going to visit him, so we will see what happens, he was way tall and looked like a german dude, so that is cool.  Then found a guy in the street sunday too, so that will be good this tuesday in our appointment with him, his name is cristian
But it is warming up a little bit, and man I dunno if I am ready, because when I got here that night after the MTC i will never forget how humid it was at 12 30 at night.  So sorry pops when you come you are going to die in march because that is one of the hottest months here. haha but we will see how I like the summer down here.  The zone and district is doing good, the sisters are kicking Elder zapatas and my butts so we have to kick it into gear this week.  The major problem here is they dont attend church.  And they have to attend two times to be able to get baptized, so it is a major challenge of ours.  but this week I will teach that in the district meeting.  haha I cant beleive that conferences already passed by, before you know it, I will be calling home for christmas, that will be awesome.  the other day there was this little boy that was 2 and a half and was talking so good.  So I was thinking about bt and how he prob is talking so good.  The little boy spoke better spanish than I do.  So man that made me miss seeing them two grow up, pay and bt. 
Mom thanks for your advise, ya whatever happens happens..  Hope that your letters come soon, I need to write the Bishop one individually this time because he did so much for me.  I thought about this during conference.  1 Mom, without mom, I wouldnt of even worried about what i was doing in high school, would of just kept folliwing the croud.  2 Pops, his good example, and wanting to be like him another reason to be here.  3 Bishop, without him also, I am not here.  Without those three people there no is Elder Stauffer 2, tory being 1.  So I just feel so prepared.  I feel like a celestial feeling here, living this higher law, I feel like I knew that my purpose in this life was to serve Jesus Christ, and with these things comes the Eternal Life, celestial Kingdom.. I never thought that I would change so much in 6 months, but crazy stuff happens.  I told people before my mission, Im not going to change... But why would I want that, I wasnt doing the things that he wanted before my mission, and now you have even more of an eternal perspective here.  Even though it is hard to feel the spirit in the roads here, or anything but there is just something going on, haha but its a good thing. 
So I sent three fotos, broncos, our map with elder zapata, ya our huge area of rich people, its hard here, and where they sell their chicken.. Ya not to safe. 

Love all of you guys a ton, thank you for all of your support.  Remember that would should be better representatives of The Lord everyday.  Love you all sorry so short.  But I had alot to read and put pictures.  Love you

Patience by Neal A Maxwell.  READ THAT THE BEST TALK EVER

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