Monday, January 24, 2011

Hey fam, so I was right, and yes I am leaving this ward.  But I still dont know where I am going, because what happens is we have the meeting on tuesday.  And so we all go there to the chapel and sit down and then president tyler introduces all of the new elders that are entering, and then he says, do you wanna know the changes? And then he will say okay elder stauffer is going to go to such and such a place and then I will go and sit by my new companion and then listen to all of the other changes.  Then with my new companion, after the meeting we will take a taxi with all of my bags to my new area and get started.  They are opening 9 new sectors because 2 missionaries are leaving this change but 18 are coming in so they are opening up alot, and so I have a good chance to be opening a sector, but hey im not traing now..  That will be nice for a change.  We will see what happens, but tomorrow at 2 is the meeting so tomorrow night I will be in my new sector.  I have 6 months here in Precursores, and man it feels like I just barely told all of you that it was a lot nicer than san martin.  But that is the mission for ya, it just flies by.  BUt I sent you a picture of daisi, my first pesionista here with carlos and stephanie, and then all of my packages that I have gotten here in this sector, THANKS MOM LOVE YOU.  And then what was the other one..... oh ya the zona maranga.  My zone here.  But two elders arent there because they had to go to the offices but ya it is most of us.  and my companion has the pictures of nillys baptism so we will go print those off today.  Today isnt pday because tomorrow is when I will pack and get everything ready.  K i am goin to send this email and load some more pictures...
Ok Im back, so is st george mom?  I am pretty excited to have a change, I feel pretty ready, six months there was pretty long but that is crazy to think that one forth of my mission i was there, holy cow just t
hink about that, one forth of my mission, and at the end of this change, I will have one year in the mission, wow........  I never thought that I would even be saying that but hey it is coming.  And man I have a lot to learn, alot of left with the language, and I have to get better with the lessons and all that good stuff and just get closer to my Savior, man sometimes I feel like i have just completly failed him when I dont give it my all, it is a time of highs of highs, and lows of lows, but hey I get the opportunity tomorrow to start in a new sector and give it my all.  But I´ll miss alot of people here in this sector but ya its the mission.  but I was thinking this week what could i write to my family, and I thought that I would write about all of the doubts and objections that the people tell us here that sometimes are terribly hard to answer.  #1 Everyone says that we all believe in Jesus Christ so he is going to save us all..  #2 They all say that they already have a bible which is so annoying. #3 they like preach against us down here in their churches, they all say dont listen to the mormons, so when they hear that they dont want anything to do with us.  #4 They have a ton of rumors about José Esmeet (Joseph Smith) I wrote it how they say it, haha it is pretty funny.  But the prophecies are coming true down here because when the angel moroni came and talked with Joseph, he said that his name would be heard for good and for evil, and man it is coming true down here.  They all yell at us ESMEET!!!!!  Or UTAH!!!!  or GREENGO!!!  haha it just makes me laugh, I like it but they always wanna fight with us about the gospel but man I am learning how to hold my feelings back so good, cause man that competiviness really comes out in me, but I can hold back my feelings when then totally try to run the face of Joseph Smith into the cement, but Im here, and I will testify of his name for two years and then I can think about other things but for now it is thinking about how I can answer these types of questions best. 

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