Monday, February 7, 2011

O man what a crazy day!

Ok fam, now I can write you , i had to write the numbers in the computer for the first time and man that takes forever, ahaha you have to type every little detail but Ill get used to the computer again, everything is good, but little stressed today, so we have to go around this week and pass out fridges and microwaves to every room in the zone, so nine rooms, and we did that on thursday, and we did that from 1 in the afternoon until 7 30 at night, in this tiny truck, but hey it was the first time that I have gotten pulled over in peru, haha the guy that was driving started to drive on the wrong side of the road and the cop saw him so he pulled us over, but here if you just give the cop 10 soles they just let you off, so he just gave him 10 soles and we started to drive again, here the cops are really corrupt.  BUt man that was an experience, but im stressed because in the officas before we left we got some money from the elder that is in charge of all the money, for elder acuña that is in our zone, so I put it in my backpack with all of my other stuff, and with all the other money for the other missionaries in the zone, and now I cant find the money for elder acuña so man I will be taking some money out of the bank it looks like today, sorry dad I dont know where I put the dang money.....  I cant stop thinking about it, where did it go.  But this week we just worked hard and we are preparing like 10 little kids to get baptized, and this saturday we have like 5 with dates, so we will see if their parents let them get baptized, but if they do, we should have like 5 baptism.  But other than that the mission is alot different now, I lost alot of time to sleep, now I go to bed at like 12 and still have to get up at 6 30 but hey im doing it, still am so tired sometimes, and sweating a ton.  But everything is good, how come you didnt write mom?  O ya dad, im not getting your emails that you say that you send, I forget to tell you that, make sure you got my address right.  Man I dunno what else to say, but that is awesome about the packers, it sounds like a good game, thanks for thinking about me, I totally forgot that yesterday was the super bowl, wow must be on a mission huh?  I love my area, love my companion, love the mission, today we are going to eat pizza and watch the best two years, man I am so excited.  But I got the two boxes, thanks so much for all of the candy, my pensionistas son loves the recess, hahah he is 18.  Getting ready to go on a mission in december.  Who is the new bishop, i was curious to know but you didnt tell me,  so i am going to be curious all week, thank you. haha just kidding.  but man thanks tammie for the emails, it was so good to hear that everything is going great, keep up the great work, tell bt that I love him, thanks sister, that is awesome that you get to go to Las vegas, (the furtil fields) hahah that is what it means.  But what else,  my companion speaks english so you could write the letters in english so he can practice his english.  MY name in spanish is Isaí, haha kinda funny huh.   k sorry so short but I gotta go, GOtta make alot of sacrifices now, and man i got alot of work ahead of me still today.  Well love you all, thanks for all of your support.  I am just fine down here, the work is going forward.  THe chapter of the week is 3 nefi 21.  Man how awesome..  It is a sign that our Father in Heaven is working, now that all the Lamanites have the book of mormon.  Love you all..... 

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