Anyways... I sent you some pictures of lunch that we had with the tylers and the webbs. And you also can see that the lady chopped my hair off, she buzzed me good. Haha o well just means that I dont have to cut it for a month. which is super nice. We got a new elder in the office, Elder Covington from texas so it was kinda like his welcome gift I think. But that is the mission home, it is on the 19th floor looking over the golf course here in lima. It is super nice. We ate spaghetti and lasagna. It was awesome. And today for P day we are going to la Bisteca. It is a pretty fansy restaurant and the webbs are going with us. But i am gonna be so full, it is a buffet and has steaks so I am just gonna chow down on a steak that I havent had in 17 months. haha We´ll go when you come down. but we need to start to get a plan made. It is getting time. I heard the earlier you get your room booked in the marriot, the cheaper it is. So I was thinking maybe that you could get on that.
I think that the day you need to come in is on the 20th of march, in the afternoon. If you come in on the 20th in the afternoon, I can go wait for you in the airport and pick you up and everything. And then that night you can come to the office and meet president tyler and sister tyler. and see all the elders that are ending with me. Like elder wayne...
Then for 3 days we can be here in lima and on the 24th of march we can catch a flight to cusco in the morning and get to our hotel and do something there in cusco and then on the 25th go to church and do something in town there, and get ready for machu picchu on monday the 26th. Then on the 28th we can fly out in the afternoon to puno and get there and get settled, that will be a short flight. And Saturday the 31st in the morning we can fly to iquitos , the first of april go to church and look around, and then the second go do something cool there. Then on the 3rd of april fly back to lima and fly home at night.
BUT AS YOU CAN SEE... That is alot of stuff to be doing... As I typed that I got the feeling that it would be super hard to do all of that. What we can do is just choose one or two things to do. Like here in lima and then go to cusco, and thats it. Or here in Lima then cusco and puno. But I really think that you guys will get enough of just here and cusco.
I think this is a way better idea and alot cheaper. When you get here on the 20th we can stay in the marriot that night, and then on the 21st fly to cusco and stay there until saturday the 24th in the night and get back here to lima to the marriot, then on the 25th that way we can go see some people, and we can just hang out here in Lima that day, because it is sunday and we shouldnt be really doing anything anyways. Then on the 26th we also can visit some people, and on the 27th and 28th go see some things in lima Then on the 29th we can fly back home. I think that is the best idea. Because I didnt serve my mission in Puno and Iquitos. Only here in Lima and I wanna see macchu picchu. So If I had a choice I would choose the second idea. I think it is alot smarter and alot less stressful. We would enjoy our time rather that just be running around everywhere. So lets just go to machu picchu and then come back here to lima and visit. That way we can leave all our bags here in the offices and we wont have to take much to cusco and then when we come back to lima we will have plenty of time to go pick them up from the offices. So lets just go to machu picchu. and stay for 9 days. That is enough for me, I will be super ready to get back home. I think...
But this last week the interviews started so this week I will be doing the interviews all week with pres tyler. well love ya much, hope you guys can get all that planned out. But I wanna just go to machu picchu so we can enjoy our time. Love you elder stauffer