Saturday, August 27, 2011


Wow how wierd it was to see get to see Tann.  It felt like a dream...  On Wednesday I got up and went to the district meeting in San Luis and then we came back and went to eat and then we headed off to Limatambo where the meeting was at.  And I was kinda nervous at that point, thinking man what am I gonna say....  haha but I got there looking for tanner and I couldnt see him anywhere so I walked into the chapel and I still couldnt see him but then out of no where he came up to me and I looked at him for a sec thinking that it wasnt real that Tanner was actually right in front of me but then it hit me, its real bro.  haha so I gave him a huge hug and then we didnt know what to say it was funny. He looks great, he told me  that my voice is deeper now.. haha wierd.  But he said that he is loving the mission.  We talked about Pisco for a little.  But he was in the choir so he had to keep practicing and so he went to practice and I went to the bathroom and then came out and there was Isaac.  That was awesome to see bell and to know that he is back to his old self.  I didnt notice not one difference in him, he looked great and happy.  But then it was time for the meeting to start and then getting to see Elder Andersen and being able to shake his hand was pretty awesome.  Elder Uceda and Elder Waddel were there too.  But he did his talk and just told us what the First Presidency expects from us.  They expect us to go home with a stronger testimony.  So just gotta keep working on that everyday.  But then after Tanner had brought his camera so we took pictures and talked a little bit more and then they booted us out.  I didnt have my camera because Pres. Tyler us to tell the mission not to bring them, so how could I tell the mission not to bring cameras and then take mine and take pictures with it.  So I knew that Tanner would take his so he will be sending pictures on monday, because I dont have them.  But it was awesome....  After 17 months.  That is along time....  

Anyways...  I sent you some pictures of lunch that we had with the tylers and the webbs.  And you also can see that the lady chopped my hair off, she buzzed me good.  Haha o well just means that I dont have to cut it for a month.  which is super nice.  We got a new elder in the office, Elder Covington from texas so it was kinda like his welcome gift I think.  But that is the mission home, it is on the 19th floor looking over the golf course here in lima.  It is super nice.  We ate spaghetti and lasagna.  It was awesome.  And today for P day we are going to la Bisteca.  It is a pretty fansy restaurant and the webbs are going with us.  But i am gonna be so full, it is a buffet and has steaks so I am just gonna chow down on a steak that I havent had in 17 months.  haha We´ll go when you come down.  but we need to start to get a plan made.  It is getting time.  I heard the earlier you get your room booked in the marriot, the cheaper it is.  So I was thinking maybe that you could get on that.  

I think that the day you need to come in is on the 20th of march, in the afternoon.  If you come in on the 20th in the afternoon, I can go wait for you in the airport and pick you up and everything.  And then that night you can come to the office and meet president tyler and sister tyler.  and see all the elders that are ending with me.  Like elder wayne...  
Then for 3 days we can be here in lima and on the 24th of march we can catch a flight to cusco in the morning and get to our hotel and do something there in cusco and then on the 25th go to church and do something in town there, and get ready for machu picchu on monday the 26th.  Then on the 28th we can fly out in the afternoon to puno and get there and get settled, that will be a short flight.  And Saturday the 31st in the morning we can fly to iquitos , the first of april go to church and look around, and then the second go do something cool there.  Then on the 3rd of april fly back to lima and fly home at night.  

BUT AS YOU CAN SEE...  That is alot of stuff to be doing...  As I typed that I got the feeling that it would be super hard to do all of that.  What we can do is just choose one or two things to do.  Like here in lima and then go to cusco, and thats it.  Or here in Lima then cusco and puno.  But I really think that you guys will get enough of just here and cusco.  

I think this is a way better idea and alot cheaper.  When you get here on the 20th we can stay in the marriot that night, and then on the 21st fly to cusco and stay there until saturday the 24th in the night and get back here to lima to the marriot, then on the 25th that way we can go see some people, and we can just hang out here in Lima that day, because it is sunday and we shouldnt be really doing anything anyways.  Then on the 26th we also can visit some people, and on the 27th and 28th go see some things in lima Then on the 29th we can fly back home.  I think that is the best idea.  Because I didnt serve my mission in Puno and Iquitos.  Only here in Lima and I wanna see macchu picchu.  So If I had a choice I would choose the second idea.  I think it is alot smarter and alot less stressful.  We would enjoy our time rather that just be running around everywhere.  So lets just go to machu picchu and then come back here to lima and visit.  That way we can leave all our bags here in the offices and we wont have to take much to cusco and then when we come back to lima we will have plenty of time to go pick them up from the offices.  So lets just go to machu picchu. and stay for 9 days.  That is enough for me, I will be super ready to get back home.  I think...

But this last week the interviews started so this week I will be doing the interviews all week with pres tyler.  well love ya much, hope you guys can get all that planned out.  But I wanna just go to machu picchu so we can enjoy our time.  Love you elder stauffer

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hey Family!!!

Hey family... Thanks so much for writing me.  How lucky mom and Arin that you got to go down to Las Vegas.  Do you know what Las Vegas means?  It means furtile plains.  hahah fun fact for you.  Have you ever asked why in english we say los and las exactly the same.  For example Los Angeles and Las Vegas? haha funny huh,  We all say it completely wrong but that´s ok.  And yup when I get home I am excited to be able to speak spanish for all of you and understand.  Wanna here something crazy?  My package just got here to the office!  haha in 4 days it got here.  How cool is that?  So thanks for the pictures of lagoon and brixston.  I will be reading your letters today.  But yes mom cinco means five haha that is awesome mom that you are picking it up a little bit.  haha keep practicing.  This week we just did the changes so that was a cool experience to be able to help with the changes and he really listened to our suggestions and everything and there are gonna be alot of changes done on tuesday.  And we havent had to plan anything for Wednesday because the area has taken care of all that.  I dunno if he will be coming into the office or anything I dont think so but we will see.  Today I am going to get my hair-cut.  But I am so excited to see tanner.  I dunno how it will be to see him after 17 months but it will be awesome to see him again.  But also excited to go see an apostle speak.  It will be the first time that I have ever seen an apostle or been able to shake his hand.  And chosica was awesome .  I cant believe that it was a week ago. 
Time is flying by.  This morning we went to the temple and I felt the Spirit good this morning and recharged my batteries to keep working.  This next change will kinda be hard on me because we have interviews with every zone so I wont have a lot of time to go to Barranco to work.  But hey if that is okay with the Lord that I am training instead of teaching in the streets ..  that is okay with me too.  But the only time that we really get to teach the gospel is to all the taxi drivers.  I am about crazy of all the wierd ideas that those taxi drivers have but we try to help them.  Last night we left the office to head to the chapel in barranco to teach this book of mormon class that we started to incourage the members there and we got in the taxi and elder pineda sat in front.  And the first thing that the guy told us was:  told even try to preach to me, I will only get mad... and my companion asked him why brother? and he said because Jesus Christ didnt come to America.  And so my companion just taught him a little bit and by the time we got to the chapel he accepted the book of mormon and accepted to read it and pray about it.  It changes hearts, and has a sweet spirit about it.  I need to treasure it more.  I have been trying to read it everyday.  So that was cool but it is hard to always just teach in taxis.  That is how we get around as assistants now.  But the other two elders arent assistants, they are in charge of all the temporal stuff of the mission.  They have a different assignment, it is only Elder Pineda and I.   

Mom you look great, and your nails are awesome, I left San Luis and fell back into my habit of biting them.   But now it inspired me to stop again. But also you look really great also mom I need to drop some weight too.  I put my suit on today and was like whoa, it didnt fit like this when I went into the MTC.  Haha is it wierd that I still remember that day vividly.  What a day... I will never forget that day.  But everything is well .. 
This week we went to callao work and I worked with elder zapata, my old companion that I trained and that we worked together for a couple of hours.  I went to check his work and see how he was working and he works super hard.  I trained him well.  jk ..  but he is gonna be a zone leader now.  that is cool for him.  He deserves it.  but I am gonna send you the change sheets from last change and these new changes that we did. But you cant tell anyone yet.. shh.... haha dont put it on facebook yet either.......
But tell Gavin that I saw the church.  That would have been a sweet area.  CHOSICA!  

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Whoo Hoo! New Nephew!!

hey Family sorry that it has taken me forever but it has been an awesome day.  But thanks for sending me all the great pictures of my new nephew that is wonderful to hear that all went well and that he is a healthy little guy.  That is awesome.  All week I have been wondering what his name was..  Haha but now I know.  All week I have been now I have 2 nephews and one niece haha that is wierd for me to say.  haha but today we left lima.  We got permission from pres tyler to go to chosica.  It is in the east mission and we headed up there early this morning.  About 2 and a half hours in a car.  And it was absolutely amazing to be able to leave lima and see the nature a little bit.  but to be honest the best part of all of it was talking to the people up there about the gospel.  In chosica the church is up there but then we took another hour in a car to a little town and they had never heard of the church so we shared our pamplets with them and all and that was amazing.  So first I will send you the pictures I took with them.  With the little kids they were getting ready to go play soccer.  And they were looking at me so wierd like who is this gringo that knows how to speak spanish.  It was awesome.  and then with this classic peruvian lady sitting on her porch with her little kid.  Classic.  it was awesome to be able to see a little more about perú. k first email.

There was a waterfall alot like adams canyon sister.  And then this drawing on a rock.  and this huge signs that are everywhere here in peru.  

Classic tow truck but even worse up in the mountains.   And then classic guy on his motorcylce selling fruit.  

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Congrats Tory, Tammie and Branik!!!

¡¡Whoo Hoo!!

Congrats Tor and Tamm that is awesome.  Hope that all goes well today, I know that it will, I have been praying for you guys for along time so I know that it will go well.  And one question whats his name????? Send me pictures... ya I got some of the pictures from mom but from tammie no.

And dad why is your sister sad? Thanks for telling me about the Spirit.  I needed to remember that because when you get more time in the field you start to just rely on your own knowledge and forget about the Spirit but I will keep relying on Him.  Thanks for reminding me pops.  

Mom thanks for the wonderful pictures! Hope that you had a good b day and it sounded good to me to be able to go to maddox and eat and talk with the family?  you didnt even tell me what you got?  and how awesome is that that donnie osmand talked to you and dad.  Congrats on being married for so long mom.  You are doing a great job.  Never forget that your only got the rest of the eternity with your husband... Now that is along time hahah haha o ya and with me...  hope your up for that!! 

Thanks toads for writing, you are a good and faithful writer and I always count on getting a few of your words:  How is the spanish.  Man I gotta start working on my towing spanish.  the Gospel spanish is a lot different haha I´ll work on it bro.  haha  here in Perú tow truck they just say -grua-  which means crane really but now they just use it for tow truck too.  haha it is sweet.  but the real word is camión de remolque.  thanks for always writing.

Sister hope all is well there in Bear lake.  Hope that you stay safe.  Have fun.  Love ya very much....

But ya a really good week and not much to tell you week haha we did the multi zonas and all went well.  It went well for me, I got em all trained up.  But alot of missionaries just come to the meetings and they just write a few notes and then they never put it in practice they just keep on in their bad habits.  LIke I told them all to sing a hymn with all of their investigators every lession and I know they wont do it but at least I know I am doing it right and that I tried to help them .  but some will do it.  haha  It is fun to be able to train along side pres. Tyler and to know that he has the confidence in me to let me train his mission.  We had three meetings this week on tuesday , thursday and yesterday.  So that took up those three days.  and then the other days we went to Palao to work with elder mitchell and his campanion.  That was fun to work with him again.  I got so lucky because other north americans have never ever gotten that chance to have a north american companion so that is sweet to think that at least I got one.  haha and he is doing a great job as a zone leader.  

And Yes aunt connie his name is Tyler Rasmussen from Syracuse and he told me that he knows tiffany.  Thanks for everything aunt connie I got your package, thanks so much for all your support.  

Can you believe it that this week I will complete one month as assistant.  How crazy is that wow..... time is gonna fly here.  

O ya this week it hit me and I wanted to ask you, if on my portrait thingy that is hanging in the hall way in the house, if you ever did go back to that place and make them fix the scripture on there to the right scripture?  because remember they put the wrong number on there?  I was just wondering.  

But just getting ready to see tanner on the 24th.  I always have dreams that I see him.  So I know at least one time I will get to see him in my mission.  haha  and this is my chance.  

Well family it really was an uneventful week, sounds like you guys had a cooler week than I did.  So just keep up the good work.  and no fotos this week because I cant get my memory card thingy to work.  O ya mom I got your package with crackers and gel and all that.  Thanks so much.  I got it on tuesday.  haha 7 Days.  How awesome is that.  But I think that I am ok for a min.  But love you all so much and hope that all goes well today with my new nephew.  I dont even know what his name is yet... but i´ll love him.  he will almost be 8 months old when I get home.  hahah wow crazy.  How are branik and Pay?  good I hope..  Keep adding to the fam family hahahahah  love ya