Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hey Family!!!

Hey family... Thanks so much for writing me.  How lucky mom and Arin that you got to go down to Las Vegas.  Do you know what Las Vegas means?  It means furtile plains.  hahah fun fact for you.  Have you ever asked why in english we say los and las exactly the same.  For example Los Angeles and Las Vegas? haha funny huh,  We all say it completely wrong but that´s ok.  And yup when I get home I am excited to be able to speak spanish for all of you and understand.  Wanna here something crazy?  My package just got here to the office!  haha in 4 days it got here.  How cool is that?  So thanks for the pictures of lagoon and brixston.  I will be reading your letters today.  But yes mom cinco means five haha that is awesome mom that you are picking it up a little bit.  haha keep practicing.  This week we just did the changes so that was a cool experience to be able to help with the changes and he really listened to our suggestions and everything and there are gonna be alot of changes done on tuesday.  And we havent had to plan anything for Wednesday because the area has taken care of all that.  I dunno if he will be coming into the office or anything I dont think so but we will see.  Today I am going to get my hair-cut.  But I am so excited to see tanner.  I dunno how it will be to see him after 17 months but it will be awesome to see him again.  But also excited to go see an apostle speak.  It will be the first time that I have ever seen an apostle or been able to shake his hand.  And chosica was awesome .  I cant believe that it was a week ago. 
Time is flying by.  This morning we went to the temple and I felt the Spirit good this morning and recharged my batteries to keep working.  This next change will kinda be hard on me because we have interviews with every zone so I wont have a lot of time to go to Barranco to work.  But hey if that is okay with the Lord that I am training instead of teaching in the streets ..  that is okay with me too.  But the only time that we really get to teach the gospel is to all the taxi drivers.  I am about crazy of all the wierd ideas that those taxi drivers have but we try to help them.  Last night we left the office to head to the chapel in barranco to teach this book of mormon class that we started to incourage the members there and we got in the taxi and elder pineda sat in front.  And the first thing that the guy told us was:  told even try to preach to me, I will only get mad... and my companion asked him why brother? and he said because Jesus Christ didnt come to America.  And so my companion just taught him a little bit and by the time we got to the chapel he accepted the book of mormon and accepted to read it and pray about it.  It changes hearts, and has a sweet spirit about it.  I need to treasure it more.  I have been trying to read it everyday.  So that was cool but it is hard to always just teach in taxis.  That is how we get around as assistants now.  But the other two elders arent assistants, they are in charge of all the temporal stuff of the mission.  They have a different assignment, it is only Elder Pineda and I.   

Mom you look great, and your nails are awesome, I left San Luis and fell back into my habit of biting them.   But now it inspired me to stop again. But also you look really great also mom I need to drop some weight too.  I put my suit on today and was like whoa, it didnt fit like this when I went into the MTC.  Haha is it wierd that I still remember that day vividly.  What a day... I will never forget that day.  But everything is well .. 
This week we went to callao work and I worked with elder zapata, my old companion that I trained and that we worked together for a couple of hours.  I went to check his work and see how he was working and he works super hard.  I trained him well.  jk ..  but he is gonna be a zone leader now.  that is cool for him.  He deserves it.  but I am gonna send you the change sheets from last change and these new changes that we did. But you cant tell anyone yet.. shh.... haha dont put it on facebook yet either.......
But tell Gavin that I saw the church.  That would have been a sweet area.  CHOSICA!  

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