Saturday, October 29, 2011

Hey Fam!!!

Hey fam so it looks like you guys are just living this last halloween up?  What we gonna do when I am home for it? haha jk.  Mom you look oficial, you look awesome, just putting the badge on makes you happy huh?  Thanks for all of the great pictures and for telling me what is going on, it sounds like just a whole lot of work.  Kod is gettin all trained up, and dad you seem pretty busy, that is awesome, better than not having anything to do.  It seems like you are really enjoying it, just keep up the great work, your doing great.  Mom you look so content in the pictures, your doing an awesome job with your calling, just count your blessings for how strong the church is in utah, here in Perú you tell everyone that the activity is gonna start at 6 and they get there at 7:30 like nothing even happened.  So just love how strong the church is.  And man I was laughing so hard when elder Noriega came out of the office so bummed because you thought he was a telemarketer.  haha I was laughing so hard, haha and said, "well that´s my mom for you, she always hangs up on them!" He just laughed and then I told sister webb that she should call before you got too worried and I had to leave the office and then she called me and said hey elder stauffer your mom wants to know the numbers of the jerseys downstairs.  Mom you are awesome.  Thanks for giving the number to me and ya I think that is a good idea.  But I have heard that if I go to a summer session at first it is easier to get into byu, and I think that I would really like to go to BYU.  Utah would be great too, so I will apply to both.  I will get started on that.  But yes there was an earthquake here in Peru and I felt it.  It was yesterday and we were in our room in the big building and I was brushing my teeth and it just started to shake it was crazy but ya all is well here in lima.  here are some pics, it was elder covingtons b day this week so alot of eating but some good food, pres tyler took us to chili´s for his b day. 

Love ya mom keep up the great work, I am doing great here.  And oh ya I am willing to do what you want for the trip and maybe you could try  alot of missionaries use them and they do everything.  It is a company just for missionary pick up, you would of thought that I would of told you by now huh?  love you.

Well fam hope that you all have an awesome halloween, make sure to send me pictures of the tow trucks.... STILL HAVENT SEEN ANYTHING. And dont forget the family pictures.  This week we found out that elder noriega is leaving the office and actually I wouldnt mind going back to work to finish my mission strong.  I want to help more people and just work super hard.  It is hard in the office but harder in the field and thats what I want I think ..  love you all a ton.  Elder J Stauff

Saturday, October 22, 2011


hey family, just thought that I would send you a quicky and let you know that I am just fine, just had a sweet p day and we went to chosica again because elder diaz and elder covington didnt go the first time.  Thanks so much for all of the pictures, I just got done reading everything it seems so great to see all of you!  :)  hope that all is well.  I am going to start typing a big email for you. So wait a sec to get it.  And these are all the missionaries that I trained last week.  Love you much, O ya I am only in one of them because I had to take the other two because there was no one to take em.  Love you all so much


Well just missing you guys all now, was a good week of emails, and pictures and I love hearing how everything is going for you guys just as much as you love hearing from me.  So thanks so much for all of you support, thanks mom for the great pictures, dad you look great, I showed elder diaz and Elder noriega, haha they laughed at ya.  Mom you look awesome, your the best and you know it.  Tory and tammie, you two are awesome, thanks for the great letters, tammie just enjoy not having to work, well your working as a mother but not in a job, and tor keep up the good work, just remember that sometimes your little bro down here in lima peru is pulling some late nights too, it has been crazy for me this last week.  But keep up the good work, your doing great.  Kod how did the hunt go?  NOw having kearns you sure arent telling me alot about what truck you drive or anything, fill me in, send me pics of the new trucks.  Steph how are you feeling?  Getting close right?  Whats his name? Arin:  Ay ay ay señorita aprendiste a hablar español en mexico, espero que sì para que podamos hablar cuando yo regrese y nadie sabrà lo que estamos deciendo. jaja te amo muchìsimo  Tu tambièn Dev. jaja  ¿còmo te fue el viaje?, ¡hazmelo saber!  Branik , Brixston, and Pay pay love you all..  :)  BT are you getting ready for your mission? 
Well a little about my week, this week has been alot of office stuff and not alot of missionary work, which gets me kinda bummed becasue I like to work but hey this is okay also, I cant complain.  I have really good friends here in the office and I am content.  This week elder Brinkerhoff left the hospital (the elder from the arequipa mission that got back surgery that we have been taking care of).  And so I think that it was tuesday that I got up at 6 and went to the hospital and had to sit with him until 12 until sister tyler came to pick us up, and man I had the worst cold on tuesday, but he finally got out and we have been taking good care of him.  His dad got to lima last night, and is staying in our room with us, he is great, he is from murray.  But this week we had to stay with elder brinkerhoff a bit because he has to have a companion too, which is kinda a pain for us, but thats okay.  And I did another work visit in El Rimac, it is just hills of houses, so poor and I LOVED IT. Just talked with all the people on their front porches is the greatest thing ever, giving out pamphlets it is awesome haha but it went to fast and then back to the office haha and that was about all that happened this week
But today we went to Chosica to the water falls again and it was great, but then we got back and they were painting the office and we tried the internet but the painters messed up the Internet and we couldnt fix it, so we had to walk until we found a internet store and so that is why it has taken me so long to write.  Thanks mom for the pictures of tann! isnt that cool?  haha that is the presidents house, the general authority talked about that house in general conference.  haha how cool huh?  and then that is about all.  What do you guys think?  where should I go byu or utah?  let me know.  sorry mom I cant send pictures because I dont have the network in the office to share the pictures with the elders, and they took all the pictures today,  thanks for the new memory card, I laughed when I got it, I was like ya my mom is sending me a sign to send pictures, but sorry mom the office computers arent working.  But it was perfect it is exactly what I needed.  But I am doing just fine happy as ever, and loving my mission, every minute of it actually because it is coming down to 4 months now.  CRAZY..........  But still alot to do..  Blake is getting there, how awesome.  Hope that you all have a great day, send me some more great pictures.  O ya that is awesome, a STAUFFER family party how awesome.  Tell them all that I am doing great down here in Lima.  It is getting to be spring weather down here, I got burnt today.  haha awesome.  LOVE YOU ALL A LOT HAVE AN AWESOME WEEK.  THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT, I FEEL SO GOOD KNOWING WHAT IS GOING ON AT HOME ELDER STAUFFER

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Hey family, so these are pictures of Sister Miriam´s baptism.  She is awesome, everything went smoothly with the baptisms, as you can see members actually showed up, that was great, she was so excited and the members did an awesome job of being her friends.  She was so happy.  We were a little worried about the font, because it wasnt filling up very good, and so it was about a foot below my waste when i got in, but I just said lets do it she will go all the way under, and I did it and nope no problems she is pretty little.  Her son is right there with her, Nicolás, and today we are actually making a step forward with his dad.  Niclolás has a soccer team, and his dad is the coach and so his dad asked us if he could use the soccer court at the church, and so I think that we will be able to gain his confidence today in the afternoon.  Hope it all goes well.  And on sunday Miriam even got up and shared her testimony, it was awesome..  We found her through her friend Gisela mom, we always try to go to our sector and talk with the people there or visit the members and ask them for references.  And we found Miriam through her friend Gisela, it was great.  And yup this week I got to see tanner, on monday actually.  Sister webb called me and said, hey elder hendry is in here, and I was on my way back from Palao, and I told her to tell tanner to wait for me.  But he was gonna be in the offices all morning because his companion had to go to the mexico embassy.  And so I talked to tann for a while and then we were like lets go to lunch, and so we got in a taxi and headed to el centro de Lima and we went to this chicken place, so greesy and they gave us so much food, it was crazy.  But we took pictures and it was amazing to be able to be with tann.  How awesome is that that I get to be with Tanner on my mission? haha crazy huh?  But mom that is an amazing story of Elder Bateman, I am happy for him, he is awesome.  And then this week we had our 3 multizones and we had to train the missionaries and I taught how they can plan better and meet their goals, it went well.  With out problems.  Thanks mom for the fotos that is awesome that you got to be down in George, and that northridge won, hope they do well this year.  Dad just keep up the good work, now for me I wont be as busy I dont think, last night we got done with the Multizone and then had to go to Comas, it is in the west mission and took about an hour and a half to get there, we had to go the the city office to plan a service project that we are going to be doing in november, we are going to paint street lines on the roads and then they are gonna have more marriges for the missionaries´ investigators.  so we will see how it goes, we are gonna even wear the "helping hands" shirts.  So that was fun to leave the mission last night. 
But lucky sister you are going to mexico, be careful, and learn spanish sister.  haha It is awesome! you can do it sister.  You have to say to all of the little kids..  " ¿Cómo estás? Mi nombre es Arin, ¿cúal es tu nombre? ¿Dónde vives?  ¿Cúantos años tienes?"  They will think that you are the coolest ever. 
Toads hope that you got a big dear, good luck with that, and just enjoy being busy now, it is what you have always wanted, now work hard to make it all go smoothly with the new business.
Tory and tamm sweet kid, cant wait to see him... 
Well today we are just gonna go buy ping pong paddles and play ping pong.  Love you all alot, next week will be really mellow for me.  Love elder Stauffer
We got 4000 books of mormon here in the office, 111 boxes of 36 books of mormon, and so I took a sweet picture on all of them, and then what else, the package that aunt connie sent me.  :)  Thanks reeds it was great to do the puzzle, and then elder Noriega with the eye that she sent me also, and sister webb helped me with the puzzle aunt connie.  :) 

here are some awesome fotos to enjoy!! yup its tann and I :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hey Fam!!!

Hey family, how are you all doing, sounds pretty crazy for you all right now but it was absolutely crazy for me as well this week, it was nuts..  But thanks so much for the emails, I always feel so much better to know what is going on, and how awesome that you got to go to conference.  That is so awesome, I would of loved it to go, but it was so awesome in the mission home, without my shoes on with carpet and kicked back, man it was nice.  And you know how they talked about Perú so much, ya that was awesome.  When the seventy talked about his mission in perú and La Plaza de Armas, ya that is so in my mission, that is the Rimac zone, that is one of the coolest zones in the mission.  And then when they talked about the mission president of the west mission, ya he lives one floor above president tyler, and so when they saw their foto on the conference, we heard them yell and then they came down after to take pictures with us, and so it was pretty cool to be in the same house as them right after their picture was on conference.  So i have that picture on the email.  We hooked up the projector and watched it on the wall it was nice.  i watched one session is spanish, and then the priesthood session in spanish also, haha ya normal I understand them both now, ahah  Sister tyler told me this week, "Elder Stauffer I heard that you get a package everyweek, are your parents rolling in the doe?"  she said it just like that, I started to laugh so hard because she is always so formal but when she is in her house she loosens up a little and jokes with us and she said it like that so I thought it was funny.  And then I started to think about dad and how busy he probably was this week.   But dad just remember that busy is better than slow, how lame is it to be slow, time goes by slow and there is nothing to do, so just enjoy it, this is what you have always wanted.  Something that we learn in the mission when we have to deal with stress is to just rely on our Heavenly Father, He will take alot of the load if you just trust in him.  Dad if you keep all of the commandments I promise you that the business will go just fine, If you read everyday and pray in every moment it will just go good.  Don´t get mad, just problem solve.  This week has been a joke for us, well I got my new companion, Elder Diaz full of energy and ready to go.  On monday we had to train the new trainers so they know what to do when the new missionaries come in .  And then we had to do all of the informs for the entire mission, we do it on excel.  and then on tuesday up at 5 to go to the ccm to pick up the new missionaries.  That is awesome I love doing that, we get on the bus with the new missionaries and I had to tell the bus driver how to get to the chapel, and we did the change meeting in a different chapel this time and so it was alot different for me, and then elder Diaz was new so I felt like everything depended on me, IT WAS AWESOME.  haha I love the moments of pressure to see if I can get it all done, and man it went okay, not great, but we got it all done.  We had to hand out some stoves for all of the mission and I told them to put all of their luggage in this one room and then we handed out the stoves right by that room, and then when the change meeting got over all 200 missionaries headed to that room to get their luggage and it was right by where we were handing out the stoves and it was the biggest traffic jam of people I think I have ever seen.  haha But they all got off to their sectors.  Elder Pineda went to Maranga where I was for 6 months.  He is zone leader there now.  But I am thinking that I will be here in the office for at least two more changes and maybe until the end of my mission, we will see. This week we also had the zone leader council and they always go smoothly but people just kept calling us, and President Tyler was pretty stressed because we ran out of books of mormon in the mission and that is his thing man, just go hand out books of mormon, he makes it simple for us.  And then the clinic kept calling because we are taking care of an elder from the Arequipa mission right now, that fell off the second floor and had to get back surgery, he broke one vertabre, and they call us in a panic and they tell president that we needed to get a blood donor in there fast because he was going into surgery and so was like how are we gonnna find a blood donor, and so I got onto Imos ( it is the system that we have to keep track of all of the records of the missionaries) and on there it says their blood type and I found elder Tobler, and he had A- so he went with sister Tyler to the clinic.  It was a crazy day.  Then yesterday alot of missionaries had to go to immigrations and man all of their companions were in here until2:00 just wasting time, I was just praying that Pres Tyler didnt come into the office and see all of the Elders just messing around, I tried to tell them to do something productive but they were bored so they started to do some magic tricks and all that and so i just started to read the scriptures but they all got off before Pres Tyler got here, and it went smoothly.  And then today we got up and went and played against the south mission office and they kicked our butts in fútbol.  Perú won their match yesterday, so everyone is super excited today.  And also this week we had Elder Trujillo with us because he has to get knee surgery on his miniscus and he is a big guy, got a huge gut and he found out that we have been having a wrestling tournament in our apartment, and so he said Elder Stauffer I will kick your butt and so I said ya lets go, and man I womped on him, it was hilarious,  I am going to try and send you the video.  Love you all, be looking for the video to see if it comes in.  PS:  I got dips on that kearns truck toads.   
Pres Tyler bought us icecream after the session.  It was awesome. I dont think it is going to work the video.  LOve you all..


Saturday, October 1, 2011


First off I just wanna say dad that is awesome, haha and thanks for staying up until 
12 for me and sending that email.  haha that was awesome.  You are going to do a great job.  Sometimes we feel so inadecuate but it always turns out.  And just remember what you have done for the past 30 years and it will go awesome for you.  It was a good decision.  Did you have to look at there acounting books before you bought it and everything?  How much did you buy it for?  It is crazy how much He is blessing our family. Dont forget that we need to thank HIm!  When Jesus healed the 10 lepors only one came back to thank him, lets try and always be that one that comes back and thanks him.  Kody and Tor you gotta work hard! Lets go...  haha but first things first, have an awesome day of conference, it is such a great blessing to be able to hear a prophet of God, sometimes I take the Gospel for granted even being on my mission and just want to be so thankful for how awesome it is to not be confused about our Heavenly Father.  It is so different down here in Perú so many ideas about Him and who He is, and all I can do is just try and help.  So enjoy..  Well today we are getting taken care of!!  We are going to the mission home and we get to watch it with President Tyler and with Hermana Tyler Elder Webb and Hermana Webb.  It is such a sweet assignment that I have haha but Sister webb is making us mexican food, and she is such an amazing cook, it is unreal and so today will be awesome.  And MOTHER THANK YOU SO MUCH, YOU ARE THE BEST! i GOT MY PINK TIE ON RIGHT NOW.  i WOULD SO SEND YOU PICTRURES BUT MY MEMORY CARD HAS A VIRUS ON IT AND THAT IS WHY I HAVENT BEEN SENDING PICTURES.   But you did an amazing job, thanks so much mom, I love you.  Now I can make it till the end of my mission I think, and to be honest it is coming right up on me.  This next couple of changes are going to fly for me because on tuesday I get a new companion.  Elder Diaz from Colombia, haha I know him well and am so excited to try and help him be an awesome assistant.  haha I was his district leader in Maranga and so I already know him, he will be coming in on monday to help me go get the new missionaries from the CCM.  That is a crazy day for us but hey we all have crazy days.  This last week went well for us.  We didnt have alot of time to share the Gospel but we sure had a lot of trainings.  I got to go to Palao, Rimac, San Luis, and San Martin.  It was awesome to go back to San Luis and to San Martin where I had so much success.  Just want to remind you all that I still have the record for the most baptisms in one month in one zone in the history of the Misión Perú Lima Central, 36.  haha Even when they had cusco in the mission.  And I thought that it is interesting that here in lima we baptize more that they do in the Cusco mission, cool huh?  Only the North and East missions baptize more than us.  But we will see if I can advance a little more with elder Diaz, he is full of energy and will help he be really up beat and going for force.  Excited to do alot of work visits with the missionaries this next change because we dont have interviews and we can just go work.  It should be fun.  And yes sister they celebrate halloween, dont you remember last year I told ya haha i still do...  and sweet truck that you bought, I think that it looks great sister. Ok I sent you three pictures, one of 
La Bistecca when I completed 18 months with all of the zone leaders we went out to eat, well all of them that were in the ccm with me and their companions of coarse.  And elder Diaz is in the front row and has the green tie, he is awesome.  And then one of us at lunch here in san isidro, we ate some sweet ceviche, it is super famous here in Perú but I dont like it that much, it is just super hot uncooked fish, they put like a ton of spices.  But elder Pineda wants you all to know how grateful he is for the letters and all of that.  Él me dijo que les dijera que está muy agradecido por las cartas que le han mandado.  haha that is what he said to me.  But one quick question, kearns has a rotator?  Love you all listen to a Prophet of God today.  Love you all so much, thanks for your support.  Elder Stauffer.