Hey family, so these are pictures of Sister Miriam´s baptism. She is awesome, everything went smoothly with the baptisms, as you can see members actually showed up, that was great, she was so excited and the members did an awesome job of being her friends. She was so happy. We were a little worried about the font, because it wasnt filling up very good, and so it was about a foot below my waste when i got in, but I just said lets do it she will go all the way under, and I did it and nope no problems she is pretty little. Her son is right there with her, Nicolás, and today we are actually making a step forward with his dad. Niclolás has a soccer team, and his dad is the coach and so his dad asked us if he could use the soccer court at the church, and so I think that we will be able to gain his confidence today in the afternoon. Hope it all goes well. And on sunday Miriam even got up and shared her testimony, it was awesome.. We found her through her friend Gisela mom, we always try to go to our sector and talk with the people there or visit the members and ask them for references. And we found Miriam through her friend Gisela, it was great. And yup this week I got to see tanner, on monday actually. Sister webb called me and said, hey elder hendry is in here, and I was on my way back from Palao, and I told her to tell tanner to wait for me. But he was gonna be in the offices all morning because his companion had to go to the mexico embassy. And so I talked to tann for a while and then we were like lets go to lunch, and so we got in a taxi and headed to el centro de Lima and we went to this chicken place, so greesy and they gave us so much food, it was crazy. But we took pictures and it was amazing to be able to be with tann. How awesome is that that I get to be with Tanner on my mission? haha crazy huh? But mom that is an amazing story of Elder Bateman, I am happy for him, he is awesome. And then this week we had our 3 multizones and we had to train the missionaries and I taught how they can plan better and meet their goals, it went well. With out problems. Thanks mom for the fotos that is awesome that you got to be down in George, and that northridge won, hope they do well this year. Dad just keep up the good work, now for me I wont be as busy I dont think, last night we got done with the Multizone and then had to go to Comas, it is in the west mission and took about an hour and a half to get there, we had to go the the city office to plan a service project that we are going to be doing in november, we are going to paint street lines on the roads and then they are gonna have more marriges for the missionaries´ investigators. so we will see how it goes, we are gonna even wear the "helping hands" shirts. So that was fun to leave the mission last night.
But lucky sister you are going to mexico, be careful, and learn spanish sister. haha It is awesome! you can do it sister. You have to say to all of the little kids.. " ¿Cómo estás? Mi nombre es Arin, ¿cúal es tu nombre? ¿Dónde vives? ¿Cúantos años tienes?" They will think that you are the coolest ever.
Toads hope that you got a big dear, good luck with that, and just enjoy being busy now, it is what you have always wanted, now work hard to make it all go smoothly with the new business.
Tory and tamm sweet kid, cant wait to see him...
Well today we are just gonna go buy ping pong paddles and play ping pong. Love you all alot, next week will be really mellow for me. Love elder Stauffer
We got 4000 books of mormon here in the office, 111 boxes of 36 books of mormon, and so I took a sweet picture on all of them, and then what else, the package that aunt connie sent me. :) Thanks reeds it was great to do the puzzle, and then elder Noriega with the eye that she sent me also, and sister webb helped me with the puzzle aunt connie. :)
here are some awesome fotos to enjoy!! yup its tann and I :)