Saturday, October 1, 2011


First off I just wanna say dad that is awesome, haha and thanks for staying up until 
12 for me and sending that email.  haha that was awesome.  You are going to do a great job.  Sometimes we feel so inadecuate but it always turns out.  And just remember what you have done for the past 30 years and it will go awesome for you.  It was a good decision.  Did you have to look at there acounting books before you bought it and everything?  How much did you buy it for?  It is crazy how much He is blessing our family. Dont forget that we need to thank HIm!  When Jesus healed the 10 lepors only one came back to thank him, lets try and always be that one that comes back and thanks him.  Kody and Tor you gotta work hard! Lets go...  haha but first things first, have an awesome day of conference, it is such a great blessing to be able to hear a prophet of God, sometimes I take the Gospel for granted even being on my mission and just want to be so thankful for how awesome it is to not be confused about our Heavenly Father.  It is so different down here in Perú so many ideas about Him and who He is, and all I can do is just try and help.  So enjoy..  Well today we are getting taken care of!!  We are going to the mission home and we get to watch it with President Tyler and with Hermana Tyler Elder Webb and Hermana Webb.  It is such a sweet assignment that I have haha but Sister webb is making us mexican food, and she is such an amazing cook, it is unreal and so today will be awesome.  And MOTHER THANK YOU SO MUCH, YOU ARE THE BEST! i GOT MY PINK TIE ON RIGHT NOW.  i WOULD SO SEND YOU PICTRURES BUT MY MEMORY CARD HAS A VIRUS ON IT AND THAT IS WHY I HAVENT BEEN SENDING PICTURES.   But you did an amazing job, thanks so much mom, I love you.  Now I can make it till the end of my mission I think, and to be honest it is coming right up on me.  This next couple of changes are going to fly for me because on tuesday I get a new companion.  Elder Diaz from Colombia, haha I know him well and am so excited to try and help him be an awesome assistant.  haha I was his district leader in Maranga and so I already know him, he will be coming in on monday to help me go get the new missionaries from the CCM.  That is a crazy day for us but hey we all have crazy days.  This last week went well for us.  We didnt have alot of time to share the Gospel but we sure had a lot of trainings.  I got to go to Palao, Rimac, San Luis, and San Martin.  It was awesome to go back to San Luis and to San Martin where I had so much success.  Just want to remind you all that I still have the record for the most baptisms in one month in one zone in the history of the Misión Perú Lima Central, 36.  haha Even when they had cusco in the mission.  And I thought that it is interesting that here in lima we baptize more that they do in the Cusco mission, cool huh?  Only the North and East missions baptize more than us.  But we will see if I can advance a little more with elder Diaz, he is full of energy and will help he be really up beat and going for force.  Excited to do alot of work visits with the missionaries this next change because we dont have interviews and we can just go work.  It should be fun.  And yes sister they celebrate halloween, dont you remember last year I told ya haha i still do...  and sweet truck that you bought, I think that it looks great sister. Ok I sent you three pictures, one of 
La Bistecca when I completed 18 months with all of the zone leaders we went out to eat, well all of them that were in the ccm with me and their companions of coarse.  And elder Diaz is in the front row and has the green tie, he is awesome.  And then one of us at lunch here in san isidro, we ate some sweet ceviche, it is super famous here in Perú but I dont like it that much, it is just super hot uncooked fish, they put like a ton of spices.  But elder Pineda wants you all to know how grateful he is for the letters and all of that.  Él me dijo que les dijera que está muy agradecido por las cartas que le han mandado.  haha that is what he said to me.  But one quick question, kearns has a rotator?  Love you all listen to a Prophet of God today.  Love you all so much, thanks for your support.  Elder Stauffer.  

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