Monday, December 26, 2011


So I called pres tyler last night and he needs us to send him an ecclesiastical endorsement to his email, so if you could send him one that would be great, he said as soon as he gets it he will send it in.  shuntertyler at        I dunno if byu will send it or what maybe you could find out.  THanks mom for all your help , your the best..  love you so much , hope you have an awesome week..

Mission, a missionary leaves his home and family for two years to the people there can have an eternal family too!

Tarjeta de Navidad (Our Christmas Card)

Obregon Family

Wow what an awesome experience to see a family actually get sealed in the temple, I would of never thought that I would get to see that in my mission but I feel so grateful for the opportunity that I had on Friday the 23rd of December, it was amazing.  I met up with Elder Mitchell and Elder Zapata and we headed to La Molina to the temple.  And we got there and we saw them for the first time in almost a year with new faces but still the same people that we taught and baptized but all with stronger tesitmonies.  Vanessa told us that she has read the Book of Mormon 3 times now, she is the second counselor in the young womens, she is doing great, and then we talked to them for a little while and then they went in to do their inititory work.  And then we went into the session with them and it was an amazing feeling to see one of my converts with here white cloths on , not knowing what to expect.  But they loved it and loved the good feelings they had, and then we went into the sealing room, and me and Elder Mitchell were the witnesses, and they got sealed for time and all eternity, and it was amazing to see that, and then Vanessa and Camila came in and it was awesome to see all of their hands on the altar.  They were super happy to look into the mirrors and see all the generations that are going to follow them.  And then we went outside to take pictures and it was super awesome to see them so happy and then them telling us that we had to go find more people to teach so they could go to the temple also.  And that was the best part, hearing sister guillerma say that to me, that I needed to work hard so more people could do it.  And then we got in the car and headed off, and then it hit me to ask her if she bought her garments, haha and she forgot so she had to go back the next day.  it was super funny.  An experience that I will never forget in my entire life, that is why I am here.


here is the mission mom


Hey Family how are all of you this fine monday moring getting back to work, hope that you all enjoyed skype as much as I did, I really felt as if I was there with you as you opened the presents, that was awesome.  Here is our baptism, Cleofe, Juan, Alicia, and Sandra.  It was awesome to have 4 in one day, that is the first time in my mission and it is good to be baptizing families, i feel super greatful because sister Cleofe has changed so much and she is super excited about the church so we will keep supporting her so she can go to the temple.  I am gonna send more pictures of the sealing now.  

Monday, December 19, 2011


Hey family how are you all doing! I am doing great, here in La Chalaca, it was a great week, we got our investigators to church by the hair of our chinny but hey they got there and them 4 will be getting baptized this christmas eve so that will be great, thanks for all of your concern and support.  And as you can see the tree is up on the wall with all the ornaments, that is awesome, thanks mom, way better than last year, last year the tree always fell down, but this one is hung up nice, and thanks for those hook things i use them also for my towels, it is just what I needed.  And yes I got aunt connies two packages, thanks connie and fam it was great, i eat the candy everyday as I study and there was some pretty cool stuff in there. thanks so much.  But yes this week I will be calling you guys, I hope that you are ready to talk, I sure hope that skype works out for me, I will go to the ladies house this week to try it out.  We worked super hard this last week and had a lot of lessons and a ton of new investigators.  Last night after church we were knocking doors and we were going to knock this door and then all of the sudden the guy opened the door right before we knocked and we started to talk to him and he was like come in, so we went in and he just started to invite his whole family to listen to us and there were 10 people that were there that were listening to us and it was a super good lesson and there were two families there that live in our sector so we will see what we can do with them.  Because we always find a ton of new investigators in my sector it is just hard for them to progress because they live so far away from the chapel.  And that chapel house that we found didnt work out the area said that they were trying to get to much for it.  So I am trying to find a new one but in my sector, if I had a chapel in my sector everyone would go to church.  It would be awesome.  
Mom the other day I went to the offices and my ecclesiastial endorsement still isnt in to BYU, can you call them and ask them how that works, it is the only thing that I am missing.  Pres Tyler said that he has to send in a paper with a recomendation and that is the ecclesiastical endorsment, so do you think you could call them and see if they have to send something to Pres. Tyler to fill out, or if he just has to send something in.  Thanks mom your the best.  And if you need it my account is jstauff9 and my password is stinger9.  Maybe blake could help you if you have any questions.  Thanks mom your the best.  
That is pretty crazy about the rollovers, just keep up the good work, we cant complain about rollovers.  And tor thanks for the great email, ya the work is super good, I could knock doors all day and find new investigators but it is just hard to get to church.  and the members arent super strong so that is hard.  and there are 6 elders in my ward to we are baptizing a ton of people into the ward but there dont get retained.  it is a weak ward.  but we are trying to help.  }

Well love you all a ton, and we will be talking sometime this week.  Be thinking about when I can call, it will be on sunday so just let me know when you all can, because my church is at 2pm so we will have to either call in the morning or in the afternoon, what would be better, I will call and ask.  Love you.  Elder Stauffer 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Hey Family!!

Wow what a week, that is awesome that Lucas is here, tell him hi for me.  Straight from the precense of our Heavenly Father..  Well not gonna lie seeing the pictures of my friends getting home is pretty tough but hey we had a good week also.  But blake looks great and hope that he is enjoying his first day home.  Love ya blake.  This week went really well for us actually.  We did a fast last sunday to have more people with a date and this week we put six more people with a date.  And one of them has been a miracle.  Lander`s nephew at first didnt want to hear anything from us, his name is juan, and he didnt want anything to do with us when we were teaching lander.  So we went the other day to Lander`s house to teach his mom Cleofè to get her ready for her baptism and juan sat down by himself in the lesson, and later that night we had an appointment with his mom and dad and his two sisters.  And we went and had the plan to challenge his two sisters to baptism and explain to his parents that they have to get married to get baptized and juan was in the lesson and we challenged the two nieces for the 24th so they can get baptized with their grandma and when we did juan was like I want to get baptized too, I was in shock , I was like what happened, why is he so cool now.  Yesterday he came to church and everything, it was pretty cool.  I know the Lord answered our fast.  So on christmas eve it looks like we will have 4 baptisms.  And it is a family baptism so it will be cool ...  But it was a good week of work.  We are working super hard to try and talk to everyone that lives in our sector because it isnt very big but it is the best sector in the mission for sure.  So that is awesome that I can end here in La chalaca callao.  I sent you a picture of a tow truck I saw last tuesday and then a picture here in the internet and then the view from our room again, but with all the dogs that sit and bark all night eating the garbage..  It will be super nice to be able to be in a clean place again, haha.  What was blake saying when he got home.  We couldnt write last monday because we cant go to the temple on mondays here so we have to change our pday to tuesday and so that is why I didnt write last monday, but sorry about that.  Yesterday was a joke in the chapel, it is so unorganized and it drives me nuts so now I want to help the ward a little more also..  We walked to the bishops office to talk to him about it after the meeting and i walk in and they are emptying olive oil out of the bottle into a big pot, and i was like hey why are you doing that, and they said, well you cant consacrate oil in the bottle, I was like please.... It was the first counselor in the stake presidency and then they all start to get on their knees and put their hands underneath the pot and my investigator was with the bishop , he is practicly a member but just hasnt gotten baptized, and the bishop told him to join in, i was like whoa bishop he cant because he isnt a member, he was like o ya o ya your right elder..  o man it was killing me............  I just want to feel the spirit on sundays again.   But I will do everything that I can to help.  Everything is good, that is crazy that we are getting down under 100 now, thanks mom for your email.  haha  Still a lot of time to serve the Lord.  But just want to tell ya all that I love ya and that we will be talking soon, and yes I will be calling someday before christmas to see when I can call, haha so be waiting for me.  Let me know how this next week goes for you guys.  Love you very much and hope that all is well with Luke, congrats kod on the name.  haha love ya elder J stauff...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Wow how crazy is that...

Hey family sorry that I didnt write yesterday but hey I am writing now and all is well the temple was awesome this morning and I am sweating my butt off right now with my suit on but I couldnt wait to write you all and see how you are all doing.  It seems like you had a great week and I really wish I could of been there to help but hey I had a pretty good week too.  We had a baptism!!!!!! Whoo hoo...  His name is Lander Wingchonlong.  How sweet is that.  His grandpa was from china and he came over to peru and they put his whole name together and made it his last name, cool huh.  But I dont know what we would be doing in our sector right now if if wasnt for him because we are teaching his whole family now and they are all so interested in our message and his mom will be getting baptized on christmas eve.  and we are thinking that his two nieces will be getting baptized that day also if we can get permission for them.  So that would be a grandma and her two grand daughters, how cool huh.-  Sorry the question mark key doesnt work.  But I was walking in the street the first day here in my new sector, la chalaca, and I gave him a high five because he was playing futbol in the street with his friends and I just kept walking and then five minutes later we walked passed again and so we stopped to talk to him that time and man he was awesome and came to church that first week and got baptized two weeks later and now his whole family is listening, just by giving him a high five, the Lord works in mysterous ways huh.  But we will just keep working.  On sunday we went to the first presidency devotional , it was awesome and then today to the temple and then we went to this mall and there is a picture of us at the mall.  It has been a good week.  O ya mom can you send me face wash, I dont have any.   And that is crazy that Blake is done, and that you guys get to go pick him up.  I still got quiet a bit lift....  Last night we had to change our room around because it was way too noisy at night so we had to put our beds in the other room a little farther away from the window.  so we will see how that goes.  And abraham went and got his birth certificate from Ancash...  So today we are going to be going by to see if he got it or no.  I will let you know.  But this next week we will just be working hard to find some new people to teach and serving, no baptisms this week but we are thinking for the 24th we should have a couple.  Love you all so much, Thanks mom for all of the great pictures, it is great to see the ward serving together, that is awesome.  And thanks for the pictures of the new tree, it looks great.  And ya we are so blessed that we can just pay people to put a new nice roof over our head, when I got here we put a roof up for a lady of just scrap wood , I think I forgot to tell you, so we are so blessed, because the roof we put on was horrible but we did the best we could.  haha Love ya mom, sorry that you had to wait to see if I was okay, but dont worry , the Lord is on our side.  And i sent my passport number.  Thats awesome dad that you were busy, but the best busy is in the service of the Lord huh,  but keep up the good work kod.  Feels good huh... this week we are going to have another baby stauffer right..  sister thanks for your email, your house is tough that is awesome.  how was service. O ya mom great job with the missionary work, keep up the good work, it will all pay off if you just keep at her.  well wish me luck this week.  We will be writing next monday.  PS: I found a place to skype you guys for christmas, whoo hoo.  


Hey mom I am writing my email right now, we didnt have p day yesterday because today we went to the temple. Sorry I forgot to tell you. Write me if your on.