Monday, December 19, 2011


Hey family how are you all doing! I am doing great, here in La Chalaca, it was a great week, we got our investigators to church by the hair of our chinny but hey they got there and them 4 will be getting baptized this christmas eve so that will be great, thanks for all of your concern and support.  And as you can see the tree is up on the wall with all the ornaments, that is awesome, thanks mom, way better than last year, last year the tree always fell down, but this one is hung up nice, and thanks for those hook things i use them also for my towels, it is just what I needed.  And yes I got aunt connies two packages, thanks connie and fam it was great, i eat the candy everyday as I study and there was some pretty cool stuff in there. thanks so much.  But yes this week I will be calling you guys, I hope that you are ready to talk, I sure hope that skype works out for me, I will go to the ladies house this week to try it out.  We worked super hard this last week and had a lot of lessons and a ton of new investigators.  Last night after church we were knocking doors and we were going to knock this door and then all of the sudden the guy opened the door right before we knocked and we started to talk to him and he was like come in, so we went in and he just started to invite his whole family to listen to us and there were 10 people that were there that were listening to us and it was a super good lesson and there were two families there that live in our sector so we will see what we can do with them.  Because we always find a ton of new investigators in my sector it is just hard for them to progress because they live so far away from the chapel.  And that chapel house that we found didnt work out the area said that they were trying to get to much for it.  So I am trying to find a new one but in my sector, if I had a chapel in my sector everyone would go to church.  It would be awesome.  
Mom the other day I went to the offices and my ecclesiastial endorsement still isnt in to BYU, can you call them and ask them how that works, it is the only thing that I am missing.  Pres Tyler said that he has to send in a paper with a recomendation and that is the ecclesiastical endorsment, so do you think you could call them and see if they have to send something to Pres. Tyler to fill out, or if he just has to send something in.  Thanks mom your the best.  And if you need it my account is jstauff9 and my password is stinger9.  Maybe blake could help you if you have any questions.  Thanks mom your the best.  
That is pretty crazy about the rollovers, just keep up the good work, we cant complain about rollovers.  And tor thanks for the great email, ya the work is super good, I could knock doors all day and find new investigators but it is just hard to get to church.  and the members arent super strong so that is hard.  and there are 6 elders in my ward to we are baptizing a ton of people into the ward but there dont get retained.  it is a weak ward.  but we are trying to help.  }

Well love you all a ton, and we will be talking sometime this week.  Be thinking about when I can call, it will be on sunday so just let me know when you all can, because my church is at 2pm so we will have to either call in the morning or in the afternoon, what would be better, I will call and ask.  Love you.  Elder Stauffer 

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