Monday, January 23, 2012

Hey family!!!

Whoo hoo hey family how are you all doing.  I am doing great, are 3 investigators came to church yesterday again and so now they have their 2 attendances that they need to get baptized so they will be getting baptized this saturday so I am happy that I didnt go the whole month without a baptism.  And pretty excited about the baptism that we are going to have on the 4th of febuary also, her name is Andy, she is cleofés daughter and she will be a strong convert.  This saturday Cleofé is going to the temple to do baptisms with the callao stake, and I am pretty excited about that that she is already going to the temple and she is so awesome, she is so strong in the Gospel and I feel so humble and happy that the Lord helped us find her and Lander, by just a simple high five in the street a daughter of God is now going to the temple to do baptisms for the dead, HOW AWESOME, now that feels good as a missionary, that makes me forget all of the persecution that we go through as missionaries, it makes me just want to keep working super hard to find some more people so they can go to the temple also.  We walk throught the streets and people just yell at us and they swear at us if we knock their door.  It is crazy, me and elder sagastume have been talking about it alot this week because it was pretty strong this week, but I love it because it just means that good things are coming up for us.  But we have a lot of people to teach this week I am excited to tell you mom that we found a little kid named Williams, and his grandma wants us to baptize him, how cool is that, I told him that my moms last name is williams and he didnt believe me haha but we will keep teaching that family, and I have never taught so many families in all of my mission as I am now in this sector, it is awesome, but it is just hard for them to progress because of the place they at.  haha but we will keep working, there are a lot more people to baptize.  The mission is going super good for me.  I am just enjoying my last weeks here before I get back out in the real world, even though when I get back home I will feel the Spirit more in the streets than I do here, haha I really feel like when I walk in the streets here that I am walking in the pits o
f outer darkness and love it because I have to have my testimony of this work in my mind  always or you will fall as a missionary also.  My mission has changed me Spiritually so much, and it has been a boot camp for the rest of my whole life, now I feel ready to Endure to the End.  } Last monday we went to Minka, it is like a mall place, and we went into the market and thought I would just send you a picture of the piles and piles of rice they eat. haha I bet I have eaten more rice than all that in my whole mission it is crazy, and then the elders in my district, Elder Wright and Elder Mendoza, elder wright is the man, he is one of my good buds here.  and he found dr. Pepper and was super stoked.  They are in the same ward as me.  Thanks for all of the pictures, hope you had a good bday and tell Payton that I cant wait to see her. and hear her talk, and then lukas to get to know him.
Thanks sister you are the best, I am so excited for you, can you believe how blessed we are, seriously we don´t have one thing to complain about, we have it all.  I cant express how greatful I am for everything, the best family ever, with all our needs covered, with the best mom on earth, with a dad that has never thought twice about sharing with us, with the Gospel and the Lord with us always, I mean could it get any better....  Its hard to think so...  Keep resting because it sure won´t be fun to have that huge thing in front of you always hahah love ya sister. 
Well dad thanks for the update on football, I miss it with all my heart.  I hope all is going good with work pops, keep up the good work. 
Mom you look great!!!!!! with your two nephews, you are awesome mom.  Thanks for all of your support and for all of the letters, every wednesday I read the letters as I eat lunch in our pension.  Love you mom. 

Well tell everyone hi for me, and tell Cheryl thanks so much for the pictures again, I looked at all of her pictures again last night and tell her that I am so greatful for her time that she spent to get that ready for me, and greatful to see her family growing good.  And tell mike and sandi thanks for the money, that I am going to need it.  And aunt connie for all she does for me, tell her that I am so greatful and that she is the best, and that with the back pack for parker, I just have a back pack with two straps, but the mission gave us our back packs because they all want us to have the same one, so I never have had a choice on my back pack, i have always just used a two strap back pack, it just depends on where he goes on his mission, if he comes here to Perú just a two strap one will be great.  I am so happy that he is getting ready on the mission he is going to love it.  Even though it is the hardest thing I have ever done, it is awesome...  Words cant describe it.  

Love you all a ton. Elder Stauffer

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