Family how is it goin? thank you for all of your support... Another week in the mission, and man had some crazy experiences. And one of them hit me pretty hard. We took a taxi to the beach because my sector is really long, it is probably our house to northridge high, it is huge, and so we took a taxi yesterday to do some service for milagros, and I was in the front seat talking with the guy about the gospel and when we got there and I gave him his 5 soles, he was just like, I just wanna tell you that Joseph smith and his wives are in hell right now, and he said that the book of mormon and doctrine and covenants, the pearl of great price are all books of the devil, he knew alot about the gospel, man he was an awesome guy but they are just so, I dunno how to say it, but they are just like pretty wrapped up the all the graps of the devil, it killed me, I had like such a terrible feeling, and the spirit left me for a little, but it was only a trial of my faith. I just said to him, Hermano, i just wanna testify that I know José smith was a prophet. Because there is alot of times here when you have to just testify so when we are in front of the Lord some day I can say, Lord, I told him that he was a prophet, better said, Is i am testifying to everyone so that their blood doesnt fall over my head when we get to that day. but other than that, WE HAD A BAPTISM. It was sweet, Alejandra Quispe. She has been an investigator for a while. Her son got baptized a couple months ago, and then we had been working with her for along time, she works all week and gets back to her house at 9 30 every night so we could only teach her sundays, but we got her to come to church two times and she got baptized. It was awesome to finally get her there, she made alot
of sacrifices to get there, she had to have two interviews for baptism and so she skipped two nights of working to have her interviews, and she had a real desire to get there, and she did it. We have another baptism this saturday, and then after that we are running dry, so pray this week for us that we can have the faith to find new investigators. It is always hard to find the ones prepared. I think we have one that can get baptized but we need to get more appointments with him. Me and tann are talking with the presidents and we are getting closer to getting permission. That will be so sweet. We are going to go eat pollo a la braza, it is like that chicken mom, how do you spell it, rotisery chicken.. It should be way fun to see him. And the picture is of elder zapata in our new room, look how nice it is. That is our beds, and I sleep on the bottom. This last week was so so so fast, it seems like I just barely wrote you last monday, but the time is flying by here. Before I forget I will tell you a few things that I would like. You would make my day, if you
I have alot of things I need to get better at and I will let you know how this week goes, today we are going to play sports. but right right now I am going to the zone leaders room to see if my package got there. Cant wait to see the pictures. I am happy, and im good, dont worry about me. I ll be home before you cant even imagine. And informe me more on my grandma, I pray for her every night.. tell her that. Read the book of mormon with her please. Love you all a ton. mom just surprise me with all of the other stuff.. You always do great. Thanks mom love you. Thanks pops love you.. Love you all
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