Sunday, November 14, 2010

Letter From Home

Hi Jesse!  I am so sorry I haven't written you yet! I can't believe you have been out so long already...time goes by too quickly :) I have seen pictures and it seems like you are doing so well.  I am so proud of you and the spirit that you have, you are such a good missionary.  There are a few things going on in our lives, Boston is now 2 and he is a monster!!!!  He is into everything and has more energy than I can handle.  But he is such a sweet little guy and loves to give hugs.  Riley is back in preschool and is learning to write, I attached a letter from her to you. She asks about you all the time and wants to know how you are doing.  She is still taking dance and loves it, she is actually pretty good at it.  Jason is working his rear end off pretty much and I love him for it.  We bought a business called "Classy Can" he cleans out garbage cans for people and it is doing okay, we could do better but we haven't put a ton of time into it.  BYU has won their last two games so that has put him in good spirits :)  I am the primary president and we had our primary program today, we had about 80 kids participate so it is a big thing!  They did such a good job and I was so proud of them.  We love you and think about you all the time, your picture is up on our fridge and my kids are always telling me who it is. Riley's letter is attached she came up with it all by herself (I did help her with the spelling!).  You are such a good example to her thank you for your efforts and testimony!

We love you,

Stephanie, Jason, Riley and Boston

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