Monday, March 7, 2011


Hi fam I bet you all wanna know ho my b day went? It went just fine, just another day, as dad would say, haha we just worked.  In the morning we got up at 5 30 to go play futbol and then after we got done they had botten me a cake and then they smashed eggs on my head, so that was funny, and then we just worked. Had a really good day in the work so that was a good present , and then at night yes mom elder vasquez and I light my candles and ate our cupcakes. haha it is elder Vasquezs b day today.  But tomorrow I get a new companion, haha I dunno why me but I always get new companions haha which is okay with me... haha I am always up to have new companions, you always get way sick of each other haha but it was fun with him.  good guy.  But today we are going to go back and eat some cake with him, and then he is going to say good bye to everyone today in the afternoon which should be fun... haha but man I am getting old 20 that is crazy, I dont feel any older I still feel brand new in the mission but hey time to snap out of it, now the whole zone is changing and we have four elders that are going to be training so I am excited to just do what I do and be an example, everyone wrote me a little note for my b day saying that I was like Captain Moroni and if everyone was like me satan wouldnt have any power which is so far from true because I have alot to work on.  Hope that I can be a good example this change.  O ya and on my birthday we got permission for two kids that we are teaching so I was excited, Luis and Marlon, they are getting baptized this saturday so I am so excited for them  their mom was totally cool about it and is supporting them 100 percent, which is really rare.  Just wanna say thanks mom and dad for the boxes and all that you guys had in there for me.  Thanks Tia connie for sending me my package made my day, THanks for all of the support, sorry that I dont have alot of time to write, because now it is worse than ever, I dont have anytime, but just know that i am reading and
 loving everything from your family connie.  Thanks bros and sis´s for all of your support I love you and love hearing bout the fam and nephew and niece.  We had nine of our many investigators in church yesterday, man we are so blessed her in san martin we have so much success, and we have a ton of investigators, but just need permission from their parents.  Two girls almost got into a fight in church yesterday, two of our investigators haha but hey im in peru what do you expect.  but just wanna thank you for everything.  And man that is awesome that you all went and got my favorite hamburger. Thanks sister for the cookies, still taste delicioso , and mom if you could get them cut down that would be better, I dont wanna ask to much but if you could cut the sleevs like an inch that would be awesome, and if you could cut them down on the sides a little.  Dont worry if I have to lose weight to fit in them then ill do it, it will be something more that i can do while im here. hahah  thanks so much mama,  I am still working on the language, man some days are good but still some days are bad, Im defenantly not the best with the language but I can hold my own.  Yesterday A guy told me, you look latino but talk like a gringo, ahah i said cause i am a gringo. hahah well hope that everything just keeps going good, just know that I love you and that I will just keep working.  Hope that everything goes good with the contracts dad, i pray everynight for you.  Hope that Grandma keeps getting better, I pray for her too, tell her and grandpa that I love them very much.  Hope taht I didnt miiss any of you r questions, but 1 year is coming up whoo hoo.... elder stauffer  happy b day pay pay tell her i love her

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