Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Hey fam,  how is everything going? everything is good here in peru, and I am sending you fotos of what i did on hump day, I called up my best friend in the mission, elder wayne and we went to minka, a mall in my zone and we went and ate pizza for our hump day, because he is from my group so he is zone leader too from my group so I called him and we went and ate dominos pizza, 2 for 1 that day  so we bought some pizza, and then the camel from aunt connie, had to take a picture of that on my hump day, it was a really good day.  and a better week for the zone, elder armijo and I had 3 baptisms this week and in our zone we had 12 baptisms and this week as a zone we are looking at about 15 more it should be, but we will see, so elder armijo and i have have 5 baptism in 2 weeks so that is pretty good you could say, but they are all just teenagers, we wanna find a family well I wanna find a family, but elder armijo doesnt wanna contact ever.  Hahah but yes mom I am still zone leader here in san Martin.  Yes i got my tape and it was absolutey awesome thanks for that, I have started my tape for all of you this week I started it on hump day and have almost talked on one whole side of the tape so far.  And ya mom that would be awesome if you would send me some cereal, and I can drink the milk here, I bought some capn crunch last week, but it is super expensive so send  me some that would be great, and face wash, I am  plain out of face wash.  Beef jerky, peanut butter, rice krispy, and thanks for everything. Everything is going really good here in the xone , everyone is alot more excited for the success that we are having, and man this week we had to clean this bridge, the stake was havinjg a service project for the community and man  we were the only ones there, and they had us go and clean a bridge, it was horrible, the bridge was so dirty it it was a mess of a activity.  K go0nna send this email and get starteed on the next. 

OK a picture of our badges after we painted the sisters room, and then two of our 3 baptisms, and Vanessa the other baptism didnt wanna take a picture so I don't have a picture of her.  But the young man is 15 years
old, and his name is puchi, and he is awesome, his mom is member and his brother but we found him and asked him if he wanted to get baptized and he said yes so that was easy, and alvaro was not gonna get baptized ever with elder vazques but then when elder armijo got here i said hey lets go visit him, and they just clicked and he wanted elder armijo to baptize him so it was really good.  And those are all the people that got baptized and that were baptizing their cousins or something, president tyler and sister tyler came to the service and man they were all really happy with our work so that was good, I am excited today we are gonna go bowling, so we will see how that goes, pretty excited.  And sister come on girl you cant be telling me stuff like that, that your gonna go on a cruise, frist mom and dad in maui (Paradise) and now you in the bahamas ya whatever just leave me out from everything, haha jk, you are the one that is missin out.  jk.  love ya sis, thanks toads for the shout out, thanks pops for the email, keep studying, your doing a great job, hope that work isnt to stressful on ya.  tahnks mom for everything you do, and how come you are going to be in the offices from now on?  well it was another good week, everything is normal, hoping to have another baptism this week so we will see.

Love you all elder stauffer.

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