Monday, May 9, 2011


Hey family, I also felt so blessed to be able to see all of you again and that was awesome, it was an answer to my prayers, and loved to see the house, man that is such a blessing that we just completely take for advantage, holy cow.  But thanks so much for talking with me, and ya it was hilarious because I was trying to tell you that I could hear you but you could not understand me, but then you finally read the paper.  Ya sister still a blonde.  And now you have to show me the new tv, downstairs, I couldnt stop thinking about it last night, what size of tv is it,  Send me pictures urgent.  And thats okay that the truck is dirty, haha not a big deal, ....  but i am sending you pictures of Mayra and Kathy and man two strong sisters..  They both were baptisms of the Lord , He did all the work.  But loved teaching them,  and now we are gonna try teaching their family.  But the other picture is what all the young men and woman did to me when I left san martin, they smashed eggs and threw
flour all over me.  So hope that you enjoy the fotos.  But ok love you all.  K mom I will write my testimony.So how is verything going up there?  Hey from Perú, hope that everyone is doing good...  Just really grateful for this chance that I have to be able to share my testimony with all of you.  A testimony that has taken me 20  years to form, something that just didnt  come over night but something that took alot of effort at doing, but everyday it keeps getting bigger as I can see how our Savior is working down here in Perú.  In July the church added a couple of missions here in Perú and it has been amazing to see how many more people have been able to get baptized down here, and my mission has already doubled the amount of baptisms that we have every month and so just know that the Lord is really working hard to help everyone have the truth.  But then again the mission has not been easy, when your testimony gets tried, when people tell you that you are crazy, when they tell you that Joseph Smith wrote the Book of Mormon and that this is all a lie, and all you can do is share a simple testimony with them, and Say I KNOW that Joseph Smith saw our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, and that is how my testimony has grown.  Because being a missionary or even a member of the church, we have to KNOW that what we say is true.  So I want you all to have that strong testimony that you may look at all the people in the eyes and say Hey im not lying to you, I know that Christ lives.  And I know that He lives.  I dont remember if I ever shared my experience with my mom about how I knew that it was all true but I will share it with all of you.  I had a goal when I was 17 to read the whole book of mormon before I turned 18, from cover to cover, and the sunday before my 18th birthday I had 50 pages left, so I had the strongest desire to meet my goal, so I sat down in my room all day reading, and studying the Book of mormon, and when I read Moronis promise, I said well I´ve never asked asked before, so I gotta do it.  I knelt down in my room all alone and for the first time in my life, I wanted to know if it was true, and my answer was YOU ALREADY KNOW, WHY ARE YOU ASKING?  So that is how I knew from that day since, and I have read the book of mormon everyday since that day, and love it, i love feeling the Spirit.  So all of you already know that it is true, never doubt and keep all of the commandments and you will be happy.  I promise that the only way to be happy is do the things that you have learned so far from all of your parents and in church, miss all of you a lot and see you in 10 months.  From Elder Jesse Stauffer Perú Lima Central Mission 

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