Monday, May 23, 2011

Hey family, another good week this week :)  a really busy one for me, and alot of success even though we didnt have a baptism, we have two sisters so close, mayra´s mom carmen and then sherley.  Sherley had her interview for baptism but needs more time, or we would of had another baptism this week.  Man it is hard on me now when I dont baptize every week.  It is one of my goals, to baptize everyweek.  If i am here, I might as well baptize everyone.  And man the Lord has helped us out so much this week.  He gave us to amazing sisters this week.  They arent from Peru, they are from Colombia.  On wednsday we had our district meeting and everything in the morning, and then we decided ok today is our day to find new people to teach, and so we worked really hard, we were obedient and left exactly at 2 in the afternoon to start to work, and man we had no success for 2 hours, until 4.  We looked and looked for people and our investigators to teach, but no one was home, and no one wanted to hear us ,and man it was so hard for the 2 hours, and so I look at it as my trial of faith, it would have been so easy to give in.  And on top of that 2 elders had called me and told me that they just couldnt work together anymore, and that they needed an emergancy change from President tyler, they were at each others neck.  And so I had to talk to them for 15 min to get them calmed down, they still fight everyday but at least they are working a little. And then I was just thinking about them and we started to walk and I was walking and noticed that elder zea wasnt by me, so I looked back and he had stopped and was talking to two sisters, and so I went back.  And when I got there she was asking were our church was at and they she had went into the open house of the bogota colombia temple before it was dedicated and that it was absolutey beautiful, so we told her and then she started to talk a little more and her and her daughter just started bawling.  And we talked to them some more and told them that it really was for a reason that we were there in that same istant.  Their names are Mary and Camila.  Mary is a single mother that has one daughter, camila is 16 and they are amazing.  They came to church yesterday and that was awesome because it was ward conference and so the meeting was organized and awesome and so it felt finally more like a sacrament meeting there in Forest Ridge.  And on top of that , I had to sing yesterday in sacrament.  haha I think that is the first time that I have sung in sacrament other then primary songs.  It was me, elder zea, and elder timaná and macahuachi, they are the other elders in our ward, we have four elders in our ward.  and we sang really well.  We sang the army of helaman in spanish and man it turned out good.  but mary and camila loved the church and are gonna get baptized on the 4th of june, so two baptisms from our Heavenly Father.  It was an amazing experience.  Our pensionista is amazing and she is already best friends with mary, mary and camila just hang out in our pension now they are such good friends.  Mary went to the fireside last night,  It is a sweet story to be a part of.  She told me that I have to quit biting my nails, she told me "hey elder stauffer, you put a goal for me, to be baptized on the 4th, now I am gonna put a goal for you, that on the 4th of june you have to have nails for my baptism.... "  so I have to stop now to do that for her.  She is so awesome.  SO a really fun week even though no baptisms.  In the zone we have 30 baptisms until now and our goal is 40 baptisms, and so 10 more for this week or nothing.  I wanna hit fourty  baptisms here in the zone.  
But thanks so much for all the pictures.  SISTER HOPE THAT YOU LOVED YOUR BIRTHDAY, YOUR BDAY IS WRITTEN IN MY AGENDA SO I THOUGHT ABOUT YOU ALL DAY.   Thanks mom for the pictures, and I sent you pictures of the internet that we use, with all the computers.  haha this is a really nice internet cabin.  Thanks tamm for your email, cant wait to see your basement and cant wait to see what you name the little guy.  And dont worry I wont say anything hahahahhah  but it is true I can feel all of the blessings as well.  Some people could say that it is a coincedence but we know better. 
Love you all,dont worry I am doing awesome here.  Just gonna go play soccer now, boring, but whatever the zone wants to do so they are happy and baptize....  LOVE ALL OF YOU; SEND PICTURES ALWAYS; LOVE THEM:

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