Hey family how is everything going? Everything is awesome for me, we are doing awesome down here. To be honest about the whole ollanta thing (the new president) I didnt even know that there were problems .... until you all wrote me, I havent seen anything here, nothing out of the unusual. So that is why tanner is here because the couple missionaries that are in the offices told me that Tanner told him to tell me hi, so I was like, WHAT why is tanner here? so now that makes sense, I hope that tanner stays here so we can meet up, and if I am in the offices next change then It will be really easy to see him, but we will see what the Lord has in store for me. BUt just wanna see tann, that would be so cool to be able to say that I met up with tanner in my mission. But dont worry about me here in lima, nothing has been done here. Everything is still awesome with my new companion. Man we are working hard, we had 3 confirmations this week in church and we are gonna have 3 more this week, so the Lord is really blessing us alot with all of these baptisms. There is a ward here in the zone, La Victoria, and if everything goes good for them, they will have 11 confirmations this week in church. Can you imagine that, 11 confirmations in sacrament meeting? that is just crazy....... but the zone is doing awesome, they are all really excited for the work, and they taught a ton more lessons this week than the weeks before, so we will see how the future goes for us. to see if we can keep it up. But man that is awesome about dallas, I got to see a little of game 4 when they tied it up 2 2 but after that nothing so that is exciting , but I wanted lebron to win one . Thats to bad. Next year, and guess what, next year I will be sitting at home, on the couch watching the NBA finals, YES!!!!!!!!!!! whoo hoo, that will be amazing to sit and relax and get to watch a ball game, (as grandpa j would say) and I dont feel to super bad about gettiing to see the game, because if pres monson, the prophet of God on earth can go to a jazz game, I can watch a little on tv. hahah hope you understand. but I forgot to tell you that elder henriquez is from chilé, he is awesome, I get along with him better than any other companion that I have had, so I am really happy here, all is well. Yesterday we had to defend the book of mormon a little bit, with two investigators, they are lawyers and so they are kinda harder to just convince, but they had been searching on the internet about the book of mormon and that totally destroyed their testimony of the book, and we had left moroni 10: 3-5 and they didnt even read it, so man I was kinda frustrated that we left 3 verses and they had enough time to look up information on the internet but didnt even go the the source itself and read 3 verses, so man that i did express my mind, because they were like saying that they had to know that the book of mormon is true by signs , like that old ruins were found, stuff like that, but they say that the bible is proved that it is true, I told them that if we are trying to prove that something is true, we are gonna look for all of the good things, so for example everyone finds all the good things about the bible and says all that stuff, but they never look to prove that it is false, but the entire world is out to make us look like fools, and that the book of mormon is false, and so they look for all of the stuff to say that it is false, but they got my point and committed to read the book of mormon and so we were pretty happy with the lesson that we had, the Spirit worked through us last night, I felt the dissappointment of our Heavenly Father last night. iT was pretty cool. That is awesome that work and everything is going good. Hey sister, you gotta be careful that isnt cool to do that .... be careful ok? ok. I love all of you, and just gonna be here working for another week. And I got tow packets last week and read all of your letters, thanks so much. Sorry pops about what paul did, but hey I have been thinking about it alot this week, I bet you havent came to the same conclusion that I have. But ok maybe the Lord knew that is was going to happen so he let you make alot of money so that it would cover the cost. But if it wasnt gonna happen He wouldnt of let you gain more money that week, so it was just so you could cover the cost of the accident and have a trial of your Faith in Him and your patience. Because in doctrine and covenants 100, in the verses at the end of the section, the Lord says that nothing makes Him more mad, than when we dont admit his hand in all things. And so just remember that the Lord has a hand in all things, and I know that He blessed you with more business last week so you could cover the costs. And just keep plugging along. I am happy that work is going so good for you all.
When bros, get your houses done, they better be done before I get home so I can come chill with my niece and nephew in their sweet houses. Before you know it, I will be there, its coming.... Its like the second coming, you cant deny it, Hes coming..... hahaah Its kinda like that. well love you all and hope that everything goes super good this week... thanks for all of you support, how are my sisters feeling? its getting close, and when are you due steph? boy or girl? love elder stauffer....
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