Monday, June 20, 2011

Man I first wanna start off by just telling you all that I cant help but smile, to hear all of the
wonderful things that you are all doing, man that is awesome.  Yes mother dear I got your letter and read it all and it didnt surprise me at all that you were called to do that, it is your dream calling and am so excited for you to be able to do that.   You are gonna be great, just give it all you got, plan good, and just plan ahead and the girls will love all of the organized activities.  Something that I am just dying to have in the church again, Is organization, man it seems like my soul is just shrivled up with how unorganized it is here, haha that is the best way that I can explain it, that my soul is lacking the organization in the church that we all have back home.  hahah like Enos when he needed to pray, ya that is me, I need organization, it is driving me absolutely
nuts.  hahah  But man sister that picture of dad made me crack up so bad, classic was the perfect word for that.  hahah dad your awesome.  Hope that you had an awesome day, thought about you alot yesterday and knew that you were gonna have the best day ever, and just think, that next year I will be there right with all of you..  But thanks for all of the pictures, it was great to see ya tamm, you are looking great, but gotta be honest, that I am not diggin the name bricker.... sorry haha sounds like he would be from alabama, BrickER StauffER.... haha na.... but I am sure that you will take my advice to heart.   Mom you looked awesome up on that high line....  or whatever it is called, you always have loved to be out doing something.  Thanks for the great pictures of the ward, it is crazy how much you miss them when you dont get to see them.  That is cool about cody harris.  Man I miss that kid, and think about him often.  Tory, man that is my dream to go out with los Elderes and teach someday, really I wanna do it alot, it seems so fun to me, that you can have a piece of the mission , the best part, teaching and everything, but then you get to go back to your own bed and sleep and dont have to do all of the other stuff.  But this week was a tough week as far as the work... Man I was having so much success that the Lord had to humble us down a little, haha but now I know that we gotta work hard.  Carmen backed down on us, mayra´s mom and luis he is 8.  His mom set up this huge old lie so that he didnt get baptized. We got to his house at 3 30 on saturday to pick him up for his baptism, and we went up the stairs, and knocked his door, and his aunt and cousin told us that he had left town to go to his grandpas house for fathers day, and we were like o dang, we believed it because it was fathers day and were all bummed, but then come to find out it was all a lie, his aunt is a member of the church and she told us yesterday that it wasnt true, and so it was just a huge lie, we will pass by tomorrow to see whats up , and why his mom doesnt want him to get baptized until he is 12, but all will work out for the best, so if you get pictures of him next week it is because we talked to his mom and we got it all worked out.
  This week we have a baptism planned for Augusto, he is 88.  Man he is so old, we have to scream when we teach him, it is super difficult,  but yesterday we passed by his house to remind him about church and he answered the door with his book of mormon in his hand and his shirt and tie, man I was so surprised.  He was like what are you waiting for, lets go to church, it was so funny.  He is awesome, but no one went to church yesterday, because it was fathers day, even the members didnt go, that is alwasys fun when you bring people to church that you tell them it is awesome that it is Jesus Christs church and that there are non members there, haha it is a fun game you have to play on the mission. 
O ya mom , I dunno if you still have pictures of my baptism, but if you do, will you please send me a picture of my baptism?  thanks a bunch. 

This week we had alot of experiences and one of them was that Camila the girl that got baptized with her mom from columbia had a little party at her house, without her mom knowing, and then mary got home and cought her with all of her friends and her friends were smoking and drinking, and so mary called us and said, elderes i need you here now, so we speed over to her house and she had all 10 teenagers right there and said, elderes this is what happened, and she explained and then said what do you have to say about this elderes?  man I was like uh.... what do you want me to say, but finally we ended up teaching them all and now like 3 of them wanna get baptized, so it was cool.  It is crazy the confidence that the people have in us to make decisions for them.  But help the elders always and give them references.  Bring friends to church, ill do my best after the mission to do that.  Well love you all very much, my companion is waiting for me. LOVE YA:  o ya kod I got that picture, it was pretty sweet bro, just keep working bro, someday,   dont forget what you already got, you got a sweeter shop than all of the other companies so who cares.  K love you all.  Elder Jesse Stauffer

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