Saturday, July 30, 2011


A picture of the coolest mission in the world!!
TORY AND GRANDPA!!!!!! Mom I hope that you have the most wonderful birthday of you life this year now that you dont have to worry about going over the hill, that already happened last year. :) tor hope that your son comes this tuesday, how awesome would that be. But if not that is still awesome that it is close. Grands hope that all is well with grandma. Have a wonderful birthday! Love you all. but another awesome week for me here. Not to much happened. Just getting all planned up for the training that we are gonna start on tuesday, I am ready I think. HAha it is kinda intimidating training 200 missionaries but the good thing is that they will be split into 3 groups in 3 days so it will only be about 70 at a time... hahah because there are some missionaries that are better teachers than me and I have to teach them how to teach haha but o well I know that I am here to just get them all excited about the work and to give it there best effort. Beleive it or not there are alot of disobedient elders that dont even wanna be here, and then there are alot of shy elders that dont wanna talk with people in the street. The mission is full of situations. But that is what I will be doing this week. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ARIN AND DEV.. tHANKS FOR WRITING ME STILL EVEN THOUGH YOU WENT UP TO CAMP. lOVE YA SIS. Thanks for all of the wonderful pictures. I thought that I would send you some funny pictures from the offices, haha I just barely took all of those as we came to write you . hahah one of the escalerters and the office building, haha now it is my sector, I went from the hills in san luis to san isidro with all the hard hearted people haha then a picture in front of tanners office.. hahah :) I wanna ask president if I can go to Golds Gym in the morning, it is right in front of our house, because we live right in front of the offices. haha but I know that it will be a no. worth a shot. O ya tammie looked so mad in one of the pictures that you sent me... ey tamm cheer up.... haha but yesterday we went to Las Flores to do a work visit with the zone leaders there and it is an awesome zone, that is where I went out to proselyte when I was in the ccm. It reminded me how fast the time is flying by. It is a new zone in the mission, one change before I came into the offices they added to stakes to our mission, the rimac stake and the stake las flores and so we went to s
ee how the work is going. But it was super fun to go back and see all the old places that I used to visit every saturday in the ccm. But it is crazy that it is your b day again mom, it has flown by, I remember perfectly the last one, when you sent me pictures of that cake you got that was like a purse, it is just crazy. And dad no there arent hardly any bugs here, just normal like the states, im sure in the provinces it is different. O ya before I forget , Elder Wayne my best bud in the mission, his mom is coming to peru too to get him, and he wanted to hang out with us when we went to cusco, his mom isnt a member and he wanted to know if you guys would be willing to spend some time with him and his mom when you come to get me. I told him that I think that will be great that when we go to cusco they can come with us to see machu picchu and all that . so here is her email: ( I´ll send it in the next email that I am about the send with more pictures, elder wayne isnt answeringhis phone right now to ask him his moms email address.) maybe you could just give her a email, I think elder wayne has told her about it maybe you could just tell her who you are and that you will be planning when you are gonna come to peru and all that. I think that we can spend 3 days here in Lima and 3 days in Cusco and that will be plenty, really there is not a whole lot to see here in lima besides really dirty stuff hahahahaha but maybe you guys could get to looking and let me know some of your ideas and thoughts and I willl keep thinking also , haha Sending the first email, gonna send more pictures...

 The files that all the secretaries have to kh is an amazing function , I get to see all the behind the scenes now.

But I gotta go, we are gonna go to Presidents house, they are making us pancakes for breakfast, whoo hoo,......... the office is the life man.  But this week I told elder Pineda, I am gonna go crazy if we dont get out of the office more and preach the gospel and he was like ya yoight, so this week we will be doing alot more work visits. which is sweet to get to know the entire mission, man how did i get so lucky.  love you all
i am just fine mom, thanks for the great pictures of camping, soon enough i will be right there in the pics with ya all,  to worry about me, i am awesome.. love you much

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hey Family :)

Hey family how are you all doing? I am doing amazing just living the life down here in Perú. haha but another good week for me! We are just getting the activity all planned for this monday. We are doing a sports activity this monday as a mission, and now in the mission we have 196 missionaries, and when I first got here in the mission there were like 123 missionaries so my mission has grown so much. So we will see how the activity goes this monday, hope that all the missionaries like the games and stuff that we have planned. It is hard to plan an activity for 196 missionaries ya know? haha but we will how it goes, we are gonna play basketball, soccer, volley, and some other fun games, like sack races, and egg relay, and Josephs stick pull, stuff like that. It is our 24th of july activity as a mission. (And mom to answer you question, I know you are dying and before I forget. About 2 weeks ago sister tyler even asked me, "Elder Stauffer are your parents coming to get you?" and I said "yes", and she said " I am so ready to meet them!" SO yes mom you can come get me here in Perú President tyler doesnt have any problem with it! So dont worry about it, I dont know if President Monson would say that, Or at least it hasnt got here to Perú yet. hahah ) And this week we had a couple meetings with Pres. Tyler and showed him all that we had planned for the games for the activity and he said "ok thats fine" so that went well. We went to the mission home and I hadnt been there since the day I picked up elder Mitchell to be my new companion, so that was a while ago. It was crazy to have to take off my shoes to walk on his carpet again. It was a different experience. I am not used to that at all. ahaha but Dad how come you were with that truck? You thinking about buying a rotator? O ya mom a couple of things that I need, I need more hair gel.. please thank you your the best. And now I get my packages so fast. I got my package this last tuesday and you all congratulated me on being assistant and so I get them in exactly one week I think. I now I sign for them. haha so it is cool to see how they bring it in. One guy comes in and he only has my package it is cool. haha and I stamp his form. it was cool. haha And big news, on the 24th of August Elder Anderson is coming here to Perú to visit and so I will get to see Tanner!! Because the south, east, and west missions will also be going!! it is going to be packed with missionaries. So that will be absolutly awesome, and Ya never know maybe elder Anderson will stop by here in the office or maybe pres tyler will need our help with something and I might get to meet him, ya never know. But that is about all that is going on with me. O ya mom your blog is famous here, haha Elder Webb likes to read it. I didnt take a picture with him this week and his wife but I will this week and send you a picture of them, they are super awesome and they are always helping us elders out, and help us all be happy. THey are from arizona, and they are the senior couple that work here in the office with us, so that is so cool to be able to work with them.

Ok Elder Rasmussen hit one year on thursday so we bought pizza from papa johns, it was so good. O ya sister there isnt red box here. And then the two other ones are from when I left San Luis, That one picture is with Luis and his mom Miriam, they were awesome, they lived in this tiny room and that is where we taught them and then up on the hill at Josephs house, all I can say is never never never take anything we have for grantid. Mom and dad you ready to see some crazy things, ready to see how many blessings we really have. Everytime we hop into a hot shower or drive a car rather that getting on this jam packed bus....lets count our many blessings. Ya I am gonna send this first email...

ME with Ana Suxe my pensionista and then with Mary, Camila, Kathy, and joseph.  And with Leo, he is a member, and is a taylor.  He was awesome and always helped us with the work.  O ya yesterday we did a work visit with the Zone leaders in San Martin and I got to see all my converts from Rio Blanco.  Angel, Carla, Puchy, and Vanessa.  It was good to see them.  Angel and carla and puchy are all really strong.  Angel is the  beehive teacher now.  :)  She was excited to see me.  But hope that all goes well this week with you guys, I love you very much.  Hope that you enjoy this week.  Tammie it is getting close, I am super excited to have one more nephew!! :)  Let me know how it all is going.  Love elder Stauffer

Monday, July 18, 2011


Hey family, so it is saturday morning and you have no idea that I am writing today but my p days are now on saturdays now that I am in here in the office.  Haha and man has my mission changed.  It has been an amazing week, and I love it.   I am sitting in the offices right now writing you and it is so wierd because the computer is super nice and the keyboard is sweet and so it is a whole new world for me.  And the coolest thing of it all is now my shower is amazing, wow, it is like at home, we have a hot water heater in our room.  It is absolutely amazing, when I took a shower on tuesday morning for the first time, I was like in heaven.  HAHA We live right in front of the offices, in a nice department, we will with 2 other elders.  Elder Noriega and Elder Rassmusson that is from Syracuse Utah.  Haha it is so funny living there it is alot of fun.  I also have carpet in my room, that is also amazing.  But I will explain a little more about my week...  because last week I was a little flustered when I talked to you all because I was super excited. So here we go....  So last friday I started thinking man it would sure be sweet to be assistent now and so I was starting to get my hopes up and I was just waiting for the call all weekend because I knew President tyler would be calling me to see if I would be willing to do it, and so I was waiting for the call all weekend, and then Sunday night he still hadnt called so I was like well I am not gonna be it, so I was starting to get a little bummed out, but excited to go to a new zone, because I knew I had a change, they told me on saturday that I had a change, So then on monday morning I got up and we went to our zone study and I was teaching the zone and President Tyler called me and Said, "Elder Stauffer, how are you doing?  Will you do me a favor",  and I said ya,  and he said  " will you be the next assistent of the mission?" ahah I was pretty excited to get the call, and I said ya ill do  it.  and here I am in the offices writing you.  ON monday night Elder Pineda came and picked me up from san luis and we headed to san isidro.  That is now where I live.  So I have just been trying to get a hang of all this all week.  Everyone always calls us for permission for things, if they can go to do something with their zone out of their zone and things like that, and then we have to ask president tyler if it is okay.  And what I will be doing this change is training all of the elders how to teach better and stuff like that.  Kinda nervous because there are better elders at teaching then me, but what I wanna do is get them excited about the work and give it all they got.  It doesnt matter to much about how they teach just as long as they are giving it all they got, we will have success.  And in august Elder Anderson from the quorum of the 12 is coming to visit us so we will see if I get to be with him or not.  I´ll let you know how it all goes.   My companion is super awesome, we get along great, he is from Nicaragua, and is also 20 years old.  We are alot alike.  His name is elder Pineda.  I will be with him for at least 2 changes or even 3 more changes, the assistents always stay together for awhile.  And I could even possibly end my mission here in the office, and man how I would love that. The Ward that I will be working in is Barranco in Limatambo, and it is the closest area to the south mission so we will be working really close to tanner, but we dont get that much time in our sector now, just sometimes we go, and we have to take a taxi to get there everytime, but I love it is fun.  But enough about me...
How is tammie, getting closer everyday,  hope that all goes well tammie , you are in my prayers, hope that all is well.  This week I will just be here in the offices, love you all very much. Elder Jesse Stauffer

Monday, July 11, 2011

Hey Family :) :)

Well fam how are you doing?  Thanks mom for all the pictures, you look so happy, just keep working hard and feeling the spirit and one day we will go down to temple square and take a picture with Jesus together! Okay?  Thanks dad for the picture of the semi-convertable.  how sweet is that! and sounds like a really good idea, what you wrote in your email.  And thanks for you words of encouragement.  As you can see that we had 2 baptisms last week, Joseph and Luis, it was an awesome experience,  joseph wants to go on a mission.  But before I tell you anymore I guess that I should tell you that I have a change again, but this time it will be a little different. haha President Tyler has called me to be the assistent of the Mission Peru Lima central..  I am super super excited and ready to work, I feel like working hard and helping the mission progress even more than it has until now.  So now mom I can say that you knew all along, I would always think about that time when you wrote me in a letter and told me that when I would be AP.  But hey I have to say I had my moments when I thought I would be and moments when I wasnt so sure, but hey thanks for your confidence, and yup my mission just changed a little, not alot but just alittle, I will be with President Tyler alot more now.  My campanion is Elder Pineda from Nicaragua.  Haha he is awesome, he was in the ccm with me, and we get along great.  Today they will be coming to pick me up and tomorrow I will get started haha tomorrow at 6 we have to be in the ccm to pick up all the new elders, then I will be training them up , getting them ready to be missionaries.  My responsabilty just went up but Im ready, I love more responsabilty.  There were 22 missionaries in my zone now there are 150 missionaries in the mission, and so ready to lead... 
I feel like I just got picked to be football captain again, and I love it.  I dunno why I have a drive to lead but it is something that is built into me, I love it.  So next week I will let you know how the life is as an assitent.  But now I hope that I run into tanner.  That would be sweet.  I read his letter to cheryl and he said he cant write, they must have a stricter rules with the internet as missionaries, so thats why.  But I need to follow his example.  I am gonna send this email to load more pictures for you.. 

So these are fotos of last weeks p day, we went bowling and I saw my companion in the ccm, Elder Martinez, he was there, so that was cool.  Then a couple more of the baptism.  I baptized the little kid, luis, and adonis baptized joseph, they are friends, and adonis always helped us a ton.  So we told him to baptize him.  But I am pretty excited to think that Blake and I will be serving as assistents to the president at the same time in the world, I am so grateful for all the great examples that I have had as friends, and miss my friends a ton.  Cant wait to see them.  Thanks kody for the picture of your land you are gonna buy?  can you afford that?  but if so congratulations bro..  Hope that you just keep working and helping all the drivers work hard.  Lead by example.  Ya gotta love what you do bro.  That is something that I have learned as a missionary.  I am sad to leave my sweet area, it has been my favorite 3 months of my mission but I gotta do what the Lord says.  Mary was super sad last night when I said good bye, and I was super sad to tell them good bye, to kathy to mary and to camila, but hey I will see them again.  THey are awesome.  Sister to answer your question, this last week it has been super muddy here on the hills, all of my pants are super muddy and my shoes are strugglin, haha I gotta wash them, it has drizzled alot, it doesnt rain , it mists, haha it is crazy, but I always tell my companions, that I feel like i am in my bros mission in scotland, haha I dunno how you did it tor, it is so boring when it is rainy, I feel all depressed and when it is hot, I love the work, so I definantly love my mission.  I have worn a sweater everyday this week as you can see in my picture, so it isnt freezing but it is mild.  ALL the peruvians think that they are about to die because of how much it is misting, haha it is so funny.  Like if we dont wear a sweater, they all yell at us to put on one.  It is funny.  I love my mission, it is hilarious....  The people are super super different than us, it is like a different planet, I love it.  haha they all like to try to be styling with their new jeans and stuff like that it is pretty funny. haha this week Has been an awesome week  I have missed you all a ton.  Hope that you like my letter, and wish me luck with my new mission, time now is gonna fly by.  shoot.....  mom it is like that drawing that you sent me, after one year it flys by, i feel like putting on the brakes but I cant, it just keeps hauling by.  but hey the next changes are gonna fly by.  love you all so so much.  Thanks for all of your support mom, love you so much.  You are doing a great job already, keep up the great work.  Well pops love you too, hope that work keeps going good.  The Lord is blessing you for your own obediance not because I am a missionary, he is happy with how you are turning more to Him when in need.  Just keep keeping the commandments, love you dad.  Thanks bros and sis´ love you all, you all know that.  LOve elder Jesse kevin Stauffer.  ps I have to cancel the download of these 2 other pictures I dont have time.  Love ya.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Hey family!!!! ;) 4th of July, love ya

Hey family how is it goin? all is well here, just happy!!! :)  No baptism this week but we did get Augusto confirmed and that was awesome, I confirmed him.  He is so so awesome..  but also super happy to see nick out in the mission field now, he looks so much happier and I can just imagine how happy Frank and Linda are.  Tell them that I tell them congratulations ..  That is awesome.  Thanks toads for your pictures, the video I couldnt get to load so sorry bout that one, but still that looks pretty cool, their rotator.  But I have learned in the mission that if you want something, you have to work super hard to get it, and I have also learned that no matter how hard we try, we cant do it alone.  I know that if you guys can include our Lord in the work a little more, He will help us meet our goals, not saying that we are gonna have riches, but im saying he will help us meet our goals, if it is His will.. 
But not to much went on this week, we had interviews with president tyler on friday and I had to go around and show sister tyler all of our rooms so she could check them out.  I am so happy that not one of them have to move, because when they have to move it is me that gets stuck wasting all my time looking for a room because they dont get it done.  But thats why Im here right, but super glad that she liked all of their rooms.  Sister Tyler is so awesome, but super super super fisty.  haha She is so good to me though, I must of done something right.  She always tells me that I am the best navigator there is in her car, because she comes to our zones and she has no idea the streets so I have to tell her , turn left, no right, straight.  And she says that I do it really well, and ya I guess that is one of my strengths, memorizing my zones, and knowing the streets and everything,  I have always had the Kurtis brain, if someone shows me one time how to get there, I observe and memorize.  So i did that all day on friday.  On saturday we just taught all day, and we have some really cool investigators.   This thursday a teenager that is named Joseph is gettting baptized.  He wants to go on a mission so that is cool.  and  then we will see how the next couple weeks go, I got alot of work to do in my sector, Last monday we went and played soccer against central and we creamed them, haha but our zone is super good so it was fun, we won 5-0.  We rented out a turf field to play against them for an hour and womped on them.  It feels so good to get that competitive feeling back, I miss it so much.  So that was a fun p day.  Today we are gonna go bowling again.  IN larco mar, that is where the marriot hotel is at and hope to be staying there, it is super nice in mira flores and would be awesome to stay there.   And mom I remember that you asked me if we could visit everyone and go to cusco and all that in a week and I think that it will be plently.  Because there are alot of places that we arent going to be able to go to to visit my converts, I will just say goodbye to them and we will visit some people with you but others you just cant..  hahah dont ask questions....  But I am doing awesome, a week from tomorrow are the changes and so we will see what this next change has in store for me...  I wanted to say happy Bday to aunt connie next sunday, aunt connie I hope that you have an awesome week, and that all keeps going good.  Have a wonderful bday.  Tell all of your grandkids thanks so much for worrying about me so much, but hey before you know it I will be on my way home, time is going by super fast, and just taking it one day at a time.  But just know everyone that I am just perfectly fine down here in Lima, and today we are gonna go bowling.  BUt I love you all very much and hope all is well.  Mom hope that all is well with your new life as a young womens pres.  Big news, that sister mary from colombia is now the secretary in the young womens, so she is doing awesome also as a new member of the church.  Hope that you all have a wonderful 4 of July, it is freezing cold here, so enjoy the heat.... 
K I am sending you a picture of augusto, I love that man, haha he is awesome, he always has that hat on, and his tie tucked into his pants, ahahahahahah the man...