Monday, July 18, 2011


Hey family, so it is saturday morning and you have no idea that I am writing today but my p days are now on saturdays now that I am in here in the office.  Haha and man has my mission changed.  It has been an amazing week, and I love it.   I am sitting in the offices right now writing you and it is so wierd because the computer is super nice and the keyboard is sweet and so it is a whole new world for me.  And the coolest thing of it all is now my shower is amazing, wow, it is like at home, we have a hot water heater in our room.  It is absolutely amazing, when I took a shower on tuesday morning for the first time, I was like in heaven.  HAHA We live right in front of the offices, in a nice department, we will with 2 other elders.  Elder Noriega and Elder Rassmusson that is from Syracuse Utah.  Haha it is so funny living there it is alot of fun.  I also have carpet in my room, that is also amazing.  But I will explain a little more about my week...  because last week I was a little flustered when I talked to you all because I was super excited. So here we go....  So last friday I started thinking man it would sure be sweet to be assistent now and so I was starting to get my hopes up and I was just waiting for the call all weekend because I knew President tyler would be calling me to see if I would be willing to do it, and so I was waiting for the call all weekend, and then Sunday night he still hadnt called so I was like well I am not gonna be it, so I was starting to get a little bummed out, but excited to go to a new zone, because I knew I had a change, they told me on saturday that I had a change, So then on monday morning I got up and we went to our zone study and I was teaching the zone and President Tyler called me and Said, "Elder Stauffer, how are you doing?  Will you do me a favor",  and I said ya,  and he said  " will you be the next assistent of the mission?" ahah I was pretty excited to get the call, and I said ya ill do  it.  and here I am in the offices writing you.  ON monday night Elder Pineda came and picked me up from san luis and we headed to san isidro.  That is now where I live.  So I have just been trying to get a hang of all this all week.  Everyone always calls us for permission for things, if they can go to do something with their zone out of their zone and things like that, and then we have to ask president tyler if it is okay.  And what I will be doing this change is training all of the elders how to teach better and stuff like that.  Kinda nervous because there are better elders at teaching then me, but what I wanna do is get them excited about the work and give it all they got.  It doesnt matter to much about how they teach just as long as they are giving it all they got, we will have success.  And in august Elder Anderson from the quorum of the 12 is coming to visit us so we will see if I get to be with him or not.  I´ll let you know how it all goes.   My companion is super awesome, we get along great, he is from Nicaragua, and is also 20 years old.  We are alot alike.  His name is elder Pineda.  I will be with him for at least 2 changes or even 3 more changes, the assistents always stay together for awhile.  And I could even possibly end my mission here in the office, and man how I would love that. The Ward that I will be working in is Barranco in Limatambo, and it is the closest area to the south mission so we will be working really close to tanner, but we dont get that much time in our sector now, just sometimes we go, and we have to take a taxi to get there everytime, but I love it is fun.  But enough about me...
How is tammie, getting closer everyday,  hope that all goes well tammie , you are in my prayers, hope that all is well.  This week I will just be here in the offices, love you all very much. Elder Jesse Stauffer

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