Monday, July 11, 2011

Hey Family :) :)

Well fam how are you doing?  Thanks mom for all the pictures, you look so happy, just keep working hard and feeling the spirit and one day we will go down to temple square and take a picture with Jesus together! Okay?  Thanks dad for the picture of the semi-convertable.  how sweet is that! and sounds like a really good idea, what you wrote in your email.  And thanks for you words of encouragement.  As you can see that we had 2 baptisms last week, Joseph and Luis, it was an awesome experience,  joseph wants to go on a mission.  But before I tell you anymore I guess that I should tell you that I have a change again, but this time it will be a little different. haha President Tyler has called me to be the assistent of the Mission Peru Lima central..  I am super super excited and ready to work, I feel like working hard and helping the mission progress even more than it has until now.  So now mom I can say that you knew all along, I would always think about that time when you wrote me in a letter and told me that when I would be AP.  But hey I have to say I had my moments when I thought I would be and moments when I wasnt so sure, but hey thanks for your confidence, and yup my mission just changed a little, not alot but just alittle, I will be with President Tyler alot more now.  My campanion is Elder Pineda from Nicaragua.  Haha he is awesome, he was in the ccm with me, and we get along great.  Today they will be coming to pick me up and tomorrow I will get started haha tomorrow at 6 we have to be in the ccm to pick up all the new elders, then I will be training them up , getting them ready to be missionaries.  My responsabilty just went up but Im ready, I love more responsabilty.  There were 22 missionaries in my zone now there are 150 missionaries in the mission, and so ready to lead... 
I feel like I just got picked to be football captain again, and I love it.  I dunno why I have a drive to lead but it is something that is built into me, I love it.  So next week I will let you know how the life is as an assitent.  But now I hope that I run into tanner.  That would be sweet.  I read his letter to cheryl and he said he cant write, they must have a stricter rules with the internet as missionaries, so thats why.  But I need to follow his example.  I am gonna send this email to load more pictures for you.. 

So these are fotos of last weeks p day, we went bowling and I saw my companion in the ccm, Elder Martinez, he was there, so that was cool.  Then a couple more of the baptism.  I baptized the little kid, luis, and adonis baptized joseph, they are friends, and adonis always helped us a ton.  So we told him to baptize him.  But I am pretty excited to think that Blake and I will be serving as assistents to the president at the same time in the world, I am so grateful for all the great examples that I have had as friends, and miss my friends a ton.  Cant wait to see them.  Thanks kody for the picture of your land you are gonna buy?  can you afford that?  but if so congratulations bro..  Hope that you just keep working and helping all the drivers work hard.  Lead by example.  Ya gotta love what you do bro.  That is something that I have learned as a missionary.  I am sad to leave my sweet area, it has been my favorite 3 months of my mission but I gotta do what the Lord says.  Mary was super sad last night when I said good bye, and I was super sad to tell them good bye, to kathy to mary and to camila, but hey I will see them again.  THey are awesome.  Sister to answer your question, this last week it has been super muddy here on the hills, all of my pants are super muddy and my shoes are strugglin, haha I gotta wash them, it has drizzled alot, it doesnt rain , it mists, haha it is crazy, but I always tell my companions, that I feel like i am in my bros mission in scotland, haha I dunno how you did it tor, it is so boring when it is rainy, I feel all depressed and when it is hot, I love the work, so I definantly love my mission.  I have worn a sweater everyday this week as you can see in my picture, so it isnt freezing but it is mild.  ALL the peruvians think that they are about to die because of how much it is misting, haha it is so funny.  Like if we dont wear a sweater, they all yell at us to put on one.  It is funny.  I love my mission, it is hilarious....  The people are super super different than us, it is like a different planet, I love it.  haha they all like to try to be styling with their new jeans and stuff like that it is pretty funny. haha this week Has been an awesome week  I have missed you all a ton.  Hope that you like my letter, and wish me luck with my new mission, time now is gonna fly by.  shoot.....  mom it is like that drawing that you sent me, after one year it flys by, i feel like putting on the brakes but I cant, it just keeps hauling by.  but hey the next changes are gonna fly by.  love you all so so much.  Thanks for all of your support mom, love you so much.  You are doing a great job already, keep up the great work.  Well pops love you too, hope that work keeps going good.  The Lord is blessing you for your own obediance not because I am a missionary, he is happy with how you are turning more to Him when in need.  Just keep keeping the commandments, love you dad.  Thanks bros and sis´ love you all, you all know that.  LOve elder Jesse kevin Stauffer.  ps I have to cancel the download of these 2 other pictures I dont have time.  Love ya.

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