Hey family how are you all doing? I am doing amazing just living the life down here in Perú. haha but another good week for me! We are just getting the activity all planned for this monday. We are doing a sports activity this monday as a mission, and now in the mission we have 196 missionaries, and when I first got here in the mission there were like 123 missionaries so my mission has grown so much. So we will see how the activity goes this monday, hope that all the missionaries like the games and stuff that we have planned. It is hard to plan an activity for 196 missionaries ya know? haha but we will how it goes, we are gonna play basketball, soccer, volley, and some other fun games, like sack races, and egg relay, and Josephs stick pull, stuff like that. It is our 24th of july activity as a mission. (And mom to answer you question, I know you are dying and before I forget. About 2 weeks ago sister tyler even asked me, "Elder Stauffer are your parents coming to get you?" and I said "yes", and she said " I am so ready to meet them!" SO yes mom you can come get me here in Perú President tyler doesnt have any problem with it! So dont worry about it, I dont know if President Monson would say that, Or at least it hasnt got here to Perú yet. hahah ) And this week we had a couple meetings with Pres. Tyler and showed him all that we had planned for the games for the activity and he said "ok thats fine" so that went well. We went to the mission home and I hadnt been there since the day I picked up elder Mitchell to be my new companion, so that was a while ago. It was crazy to have to take off my shoes to walk on his carpet again. It was a different experience. I am not used to that at all. ahaha but Dad how come you were with that truck? You thinking about buying a rotator? O ya mom a couple of things that I need, I need more hair gel.. please thank you your the best. And now I get my packages so fast. I got my package this last tuesday and you all congratulated me on being assistant and so I get them in exactly one week I think. I now I sign for them. haha so it is cool to see how they bring it in. One guy comes in and he only has my package it is cool. haha and I stamp his form. it was cool. haha And big news, on the 24th of August Elder Anderson is coming here to Perú to visit and so I will get to see Tanner!! Because the south, east, and west missions will also be going!! it is going to be packed with missionaries. So that will be absolutly awesome, and Ya never know maybe elder Anderson will stop by here in the office or maybe pres tyler will need our help with something and I might get to meet him, ya never know. But that is about all that is going on with me. O ya mom your blog is famous here, haha Elder Webb likes to read it. I didnt take a picture with him this week and his wife but I will this week and send you a picture of them, they are super awesome and they are always helping us elders out, and help us all be happy. THey are from arizona, and they are the senior couple that work here in the office with us, so that is so cool to be able to work with them.
Ok Elder Rasmussen hit one year on thursday so we bought pizza from papa johns, it was so good. O ya sister there isnt red box here. And then the two other ones are from when I left San Luis, That one picture is with Luis and his mom Miriam, they were awesome, they lived in this tiny room and that is where we taught them and then up on the hill at Josephs house, all I can say is never never never take anything we have for grantid. Mom and dad you ready to see some crazy things, ready to see how many blessings we really have. Everytime we hop into a hot shower or drive a car rather that getting on this jam packed bus....lets count our many blessings. Ya I am gonna send this first email...
ME with Ana Suxe my pensionista and then with Mary, Camila, Kathy, and joseph. And with Leo, he is a member, and is a taylor. He was awesome and always helped us with the work. O ya yesterday we did a work visit with the Zone leaders in San Martin and I got to see all my converts from Rio Blanco. Angel, Carla, Puchy, and Vanessa. It was good to see them. Angel and carla and puchy are all really strong. Angel is the beehive teacher now. :) She was excited to see me. But hope that all goes well this week with you guys, I love you very much. Hope that you enjoy this week. Tammie it is getting close, I am super excited to have one more nephew!! :) Let me know how it all is going. Love elder Stauffer
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